
Price: Free


Time to visit a place: 120 phút

Open Time: 8:00 AM - Close Time: 5:00 PM


Address: Ap Phong, xa Tan Phong, huyen Thanh Phu Xã Tân Phong, Huyện Thạnh Phú, Tỉnh Bến Tre

Memorial stele for martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the Dong Khoi battle in Phong hamlet, Tan Phong commune After the anually happy days of Spring and Tet Holiday, the Party Committee and people of Dai Dien and Tan Phong communes (Thanh Phu district), representatives of neighboring communes and expatriates returning to their homeland and organizing the tradional death anniversary of commemorating the 8 martyrs who died at Giong Luong intersection (Dai Dien). After occupying the Southern provinces, on February 8, 1946, the French colonialists concentrated their marine and air force to capture Ben Tre, the last province. On February 10, 1946, they moved troops to capture Mo Cay and Thanh Phu districts. The French army used ships to travel from Ben Tre along the Ham Luong River to Trai Gia Highway to capture An Thanh village, next to Thanh Phu district then went by road to develop and capture Dai Dien and neighboring villages. On the 10th day of the first lunar month in 1946 (February 11, 1946 of the solar calendar), at Giong Luong intersection, with obstacles placed in place, a suicide squad of Dai Dien soldiers used rudimentary weapons to stop and fight the enemy in two fierce ... View more




Memorial stele for martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the Dong Khoi battle in Phong hamlet, Tan Phong commune

After the anually happy days of Spring and Tet Holiday, the Party Committee and people of Dai Dien and Tan Phong communes (Thanh Phu district), representatives of neighboring communes and expatriates returning to their homeland and organizing the tradional death anniversary of commemorating the 8 martyrs who died at Giong Luong intersection (Dai Dien). After occupying the Southern provinces, on February 8, 1946, the French colonialists concentrated their marine and air force to capture Ben Tre, the last province. On February 10, 1946, they moved troops to capture Mo Cay and Thanh Phu districts. The French army used ships to travel from Ben Tre along the Ham Luong River to Trai Gia Highway to capture An Thanh village, next to Thanh Phu district then went by road to develop and capture Dai Dien and neighboring villages. On the 10th day of the first lunar month in 1946 (February 11, 1946 of the solar calendar), at Giong Luong intersection, with obstacles placed in place, a suicide squad of Dai Dien soldiers used rudimentary weapons to stop and fight the enemy in two fierce battles. Coped with the enemy's onslaught, the squad was in danger of being destroyed. Comrade Hac used a knife to slash and kill an enemy. Comrade Dinh Cong Gam - Squad Leader used a homemade gun to rush out into the middle of the road and shoot at the enemy formation to cover their teammates' retreat, but due to the difference in forces and weapons, the entire squad heroically sacrificed their lives comprising : Dinh Cong Gam, Nguyen Van Nguyen, Nguyen Van Manh, Ho Van Huong, Phan Van Ben, Le Van Phung, Phan Van Ba, Nguyen Van Xinh and comrade Hac. Then, the French army invaded Dai Dien village and stationed troops to guard it. Coping with the enemy's strength, the Party apparatus, government, matrix and revolutionary organizations had to withdraw to the base area to preserve their forces, a part of which clung to the people to conduct the resistance. On February 8, 1960 (the 10th day of the first lunar month), upon receiving news that our revolutionary forces were staying in the liberated area of ​​Cai Luc - Phong hamlet, the enemies in the commune coordinated with the district forces to launch an attack with a large scale to completely destroy it. Early in the morning, the enemy sent a security platoon and two civil defense squads directly commanded by Phan Van Dien (Nam Y) and Ba Dong to raid Luc forest in Phong hamlet. Next, enemy forces from Huong My swept into My Duc hamlet and attacked. Comrade Le Van Cuong - Secretary of the Party Cell commanded a guerrilla squad to fight, with rudimentary weapons including machetes, leaf blades, and ambushes in the bushes. The enemy force was nearly a fully armed battalion, moving in many directions into the battlefield and waiting for them to fall into the ambush, our comrades rushed forward and fought hand-to-hand with the enemy, wounding one person and capturing one gun but did not know how to use it. Immediately afterwards, the enemy counterattacked fiercely with a much larger force but our comrades fought bravely and tenaciously with the enemy for many hours. Finally, comrade Le Van Cuong and 10 other comrades sacrificed heroically including: Nguyen Van Gam, Pham Van Ton, Truong Van Ton, Nguyen Thanh Dat, Do Van Hoanh, Nguyen Van Vinh, Huynh Van Vui, Vo Van Xinh , Vo Van Vi and Le Van Tieu. Admired by the brave sacrifices of the Dong Khoi peasant insurgents in Phong hamlet, Major General Nguyen Huu Vi and Colonel Nguyen Cang when they were current leaders of the Ben Tre Provincial Veterans Association mobilized funds and built erect a memorial stele at the old battlefield. Entering the grounds of the memorial stele, there are words engraved on marble: "Here, on the 10th day of the first lunar month, 1960, a fierce battle took place between guerrilla forces and a security company and the enemy's civil defense general. The suicide battle was led by Secretary of Party Cell in Dai Dien Commune, Le Van Cuong." The suicide squad fought bravely and sacrificed their lives at Giong Luong intersection, opening the resistance war against the French in Dai Dien and the guerrilla squad of 11 soldiers, using rudimentary weapons charged into battle with machetes at the battlefield of Phong hamlet opening the beginning of the anti-American period in Tan Phong. From those two historical events, generations of people of Dai Dien and Tan Phong have overcome themselves, fought in their communes and devoted a lot of effort and blood to the common victory of their homeland and country in the mission of national liberation struggle. This is regarded as a great pride that needs to be passed on to present and future generations to keep preserving and promoting traditions in building and protecting the homeland.

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