
Price: Free


Time to visit a place: 120 phút

Open Time: 7:00 AM - Close Time: 5:00 PM


Address: Xa An Qui, huyen Thanh Phu Xã An Quy, Huyện Thạnh Phú, Tỉnh Bến Tre

After signing the Geneva Agreement in 1954, France had to accept the withdrawal of troops and consultations, and the unification of our country was regulated by democratic elections. From here, the struggle of the Vietnamese people has entered a new phase, the North has been completely liberated, the South must continue to fight to finish the national revolution and people's democracy. After the Geneva Agreement, the United States stepped in to replace France in the South of Vietnam. America and Diem came out to sabotage the Geneva Agreement, publicly refused to negotiate for general elections, and carried out the policy "Engage plus - destroy plus" (period 1957-1959); introduced the law on October,1959 that carried out guillotines throughout the South for the purpose of permanently dividing our country, turning the South into a colony and a military base of the US empire. In the 1960s, the Southern revolutionary movement in general, in Thanh Phu in particular,was in thorny context. Under the light of 15 Resolution , the Party Central Committee, term II, figured out that the basic task of the Southern revolution is: "Liberate the South from the yoke of imperialism and feudalism, perform an independent nation and provide the land for the ... View more




After signing the Geneva Agreement in 1954, France had to accept the withdrawal of troops and consultations, and the unification of our country was regulated by democratic elections. From here, the struggle of the Vietnamese people has entered a new phase, the North has been completely liberated, the South must continue to fight to finish the national revolution and people's democracy.

After the Geneva Agreement, the United States stepped in to replace France in the South of Vietnam. America and Diem came out to sabotage the Geneva Agreement, publicly refused to negotiate for general elections, and carried out the policy "Engage plus - destroy plus" (period 1957-1959); introduced the law on October,1959 that carried out guillotines throughout the South for the purpose of permanently dividing our country, turning the South into a colony and a military base of the US empire.

In the 1960s, the Southern revolutionary movement in general, in Thanh Phu in particular,was in thorny context. Under the light of 15 Resolution , the Party Central Committee, term II, figured out that the basic task of the Southern revolution is: "Liberate the South from the yoke of imperialism and feudalism, perform an independent nation and provide the land for the plowman, complete the national revolution and people's democracy in the South to help Viet Nam become a peaceful, unified, independent, democratic and strong country." 15 Resolution was established to meet the urgent requirements of the revolution and the people of the South creating conditions from a passive position to an offensive position against the enemy.

After receiving Resolution 15 and clear guidance from the Provincial Party Committee, Thanh Phu District quickly directed commune cells to consolidate their organization, call back party members and build a party base, organization and strengthen on-site forces.

On January 17, 1960, the Dong Khoi order was issued throughout the province. The Party Committee and people of Thanh Phu district united in rising up to destroy evil and break the key of enemy.

At An Qui commune, under the leadership of comrade Le Thanh Danh - Standing Member of the District Party Committee and comrade Nguyen Ngoc Tru - member of District Party Committee , the Dong Khoi plan was specifically outlined: using courageous youth, cunning, disguised from the outside, combined with young men to create conditions to be captured and taken to the station as a slave to approach and kill the evil Sam, taking over the enemy station in daytime.

At 3:00 p.m., on January 17, 1960, an "action group" equiped with guns and disguised as enemy policemen then left An Nhon commune along Highway 30 (now National Highway 57) toward An Qui, leading along A person pretending to be one of our officers was arrested. When we arrived at the civil guard station at An Qui intersection, we asked police officer Sam to come out and look at the "Viet Cong" face. Sam police who was arresting people to repair the station ran out with joy after hearing the news but were immediately killed on the spot by our forces. Cooperating with the "action group" outside, an "action group" inside and 20 people who were captured by the enemy in the garrison as prisoners rose up and used leaves (knives to cut nipa palm leaves) to slash the soldiers in the garrison. At the same time, a secret self-defense comrade quickly took over the gun depot. Being sudden attack, many soldiers in the station panicked and fled. The fight lasted less than 3 minutes, we took control of the situation, occupied the militia, the commune headquarters, collected 12 guns and all ammunition. When the surrounding people heard the news, they rushed forward with our forces to destroy An Qui station, then marched out to the street to remove the enemy's reactionary banners and slogans. By the way, in the hamlets in the commune, many "action groups" also joined with the people to rise up to hunt down spies, informers, and villains, breaking the enemy's restraints. An Qui commune was completely liberated. The Dong Khoi battle in An Qui commune won a complete victory, causing great resonance in the region and the whole district.

With the power of patriotism, for the independence and freedom of the people, with determination, resilience, courage, and ingenuity, the people of An Qui commune in particular and Thanh Phu district in general have cooperated with the people of the province to overcome all hardships despite sacrifices creating a resounding victory in Dong Khoi. The "Dong Khoi" victory dealt a heavy blow to America's neo-colonial policy, shaking the Ngo Dinh Diem puppet government to its core and also marking the leap forward of the Southern revolution moving from a position of preserving forces to an offensive position.

During the Dong Khoi War in Ben Tre province in 1960 and the long resistance war to win peace and independence for the nation, countless officers, soldiers and people spent their blood, sweat, and tears to contribute to the colors of the revolutionary flag, set up heroic achievements, and mark revolutionary history. Continuing with the spirit of Dong Khoi of our ancestors, in the recent period, the Party Committee and People of Thanh Phu district in particular, and Ben Tre province in general, are making effort and determined to create a "new Dong Khoi" in socio-economic development promoting heroic traditions and arousing aspirations to build a comprehensively developed province.

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(From total review)

Sample Plan

