
Price: Free


Time to visit a place: 120 phút

Open Time: 7:00 AM - Close Time: 5:00 PM


Address: Ap An Hoa, xa An Nhon, huyen Thanh Phu, tinh Ben Tre Xã An Nhơn, Huyện Thạnh Phú, Tỉnh Bến Tre

Monument to the victory of the battle on Gia The Street During the French colonial period, Thanh Phu district consited of 02 cantons of Minh Phu and Minh Tri, divided into 11 villages; During the resistance war against the French in 1948, due to travel difficulties, Ben Tre province decided to set up 3 more communes: Giang Ha, Phan Nhut Tanh and Thanh Phu 2; In 1951, the above 3 communes were dissolved and returned to their original state, the two communes An Quy and An Nhon merged into Quy Nhon commune until after the Geneva Agreement (July 20, 1954) they separated into An Quy and An Nhon until today. Gia The Victory Relic, located in An Hoa hamlet, An Nhon commune, Thanh Phu district, Ben Tre province. From the centre of Thanh Phu district back to An Nhon commune (about 10 km) , you can reach the monument (Gia The Victory Monument was built next to Highway 57, near the bank of Cau Van river). According to historical documents, in the past, there was an enemy military base next to the Cau Van river bank and Giao Thanh commune market was stationed by Bui Chu security guards in An Nhon ... View more




Monument to the victory of the battle on Gia The Street

During the French colonial period, Thanh Phu district consited of 02 cantons of Minh Phu and Minh Tri, divided into 11 villages; During the resistance war against the French in 1948, due to travel difficulties, Ben Tre province decided to set up 3 more communes: Giang Ha, Phan Nhut Tanh and Thanh Phu 2; In 1951, the above 3 communes were dissolved and returned to their original state, the two communes An Quy and An Nhon merged into Quy Nhon commune until after the Geneva Agreement (July 20, 1954) they separated into An Quy and An Nhon until today. Gia The Victory Relic, located in An Hoa hamlet, An Nhon commune, Thanh Phu district, Ben Tre province. From the centre of Thanh Phu district back to An Nhon commune (about 10 km) , you can reach the monument (Gia The Victory Monument was built next to Highway 57, near the bank of Cau Van river). According to historical documents, in the past, there was an enemy military base next to the Cau Van river bank and Giao Thanh commune market was stationed by Bui Chu security guards in An Nhon commune before Dong Khoi in 1960. During the occupation of the station, the enemy usually had troops from 1 platoon to 2 platoons of security and civil defense on duty. Moreover, there are also general civil defense groups that operate daily to control and support the occupiers in these two areas. These gangs are very ferocious and often coordinate with the general militia to raid, arrest, kill, beat and brutalize people, and brutally suppress the political movement of the masses. They built communes and hamlets, organized reconnaissance and espionage, controlled the masses; robbed people's property in the area, there were some cruel soldiers who often ransacked, arrested and tortured people very brutally. Because the enemy repressed of the masses and caused difficulties for the local revolutionary movement. The Provincial Party Committee has guided the 261 Company of the province to destroy the security commandos in this area for the purpose of speading out the liberated area which encourage the revolutionary movement, develop the base, foster our vitality and raise the level of fighting techniques to a new level. Complying with superior orders, The 261 Company was instructed by comrade Le Van Kia (Chin Son) as acting captain, comrade Tran Van Ve (Muoi Tho) as political commissar studying the situation of the enemy and our forces before organizing combat. Via field surveys, we decided to destroy the enemy using tactics: Cau Van outpost, ambushes on traffic. The command uses the force of the 261 company including 3 platoons and local forces with weapons including machine guns, rifles, etc. ready to destroy the enemy in their relief operations. At 4 a.m on October 29, 1961, all forces were ready to fight. Right at the agreed time, at 4:30 a.m., Thanh Phu local forces opened fire to attack and surrounded in Cau Van post, forcing the enemy to flee. As expected, our troops ambushed and fought steadfastly, after nearly 6 hours of fighting with the response by aircraft and modern weapons from the reinforcements, but with the fighting will, determination, and unyielding courage of our army and people, we completely destroyed security company 854 at Gia The, killed and wounded 48 people, and captured many guns of all kinds in this battle. It can be seen that the Gia The victory event was a heroic battle of the 261 company and local soldiers of Thanh Phu district. The battle gave the excitement and increasingly encouraged the struggle movement of the people of Thanh Phu district . From the actual battle, the Ben Tre armed forces learned great lessons in combat, contributing to the resounding victory in subsequent battles of the 261 Company . After the country was unified, the province built the Victory Statue at Gia The location, An Nhon commune to educate traditions for today and future generations. However, over the years, the monument has seriously degraded. With a view to preserve and promote the value of the monument, in June 2017, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism became the investor to rebuild the Gia The Monument on a land area of ​​1,200 m2. The project includes items: victory monument, ceremony yard, fence gate, flower beds, and road yard. The granite monument includes 03 characters, 03 soldiers (2 men, 1 woman) holding guns, each character is 3.5m high, combined with auxiliary blocks and cement relief. The monument is arranged concentrically at the center of the land, the internal road system connects the main entrance and functional areas, the remaining land area is planted with trees and lawns to create landscape and shade. After being newly built, the Victory Monument recreated the history of the battle in visual language, honoring the brave and clever people and expressing gratefuly to the great sacrifices of the great soldiers who belongs to team of 261 heroes in the past. In addition, a direct historical source remains providing us with important information about the nation's majestic history, the heroic traditions of our ancestors in the process of building and protecting the fatherland, also enhancing the heroic tradition of the Vietnam People's Army, specifically the 261 heroic company; continues to ensuring the correctness of the ingenious and wise leadership and strategic direction of the Party Central Committee and President Ho Chi Minh since the US launched the war of aggression in Vietnam. In order to preserve and promote the value of the relic to educate future generations about the patriotism, resilient and indomitable struggle of our ancestors, the People's Committee of Ben Tre province has decided to classify The Gia Tag Victory Event relic as a historical relic of the provincial resistance revolution in 2017.

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