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Time to visit a place: 120 phút

Open Time: 7:00 AM - Close Time: 5:00 PM


Address: Ap Giong Luong, xa Dai Dien, huyen Thanh Phu Xã Đại Điền, Huyện Thạnh Phú, Tỉnh Bến Tre

Memorial stele where Battalion 307 departed and where Battalion 310 was established Although it is not the place where the heroic Battalion 307 was founded, Ben Tre is very honored and proud to be the place where the Battalion's troops were launched. Over 70 years, and the military departure event of the Battalion was on July 5, 1948 in Giong Luong hamlet, Dai Dien commune, Thanh Phu district being always regarded by the veterans of that day and traditionally educated for generations in the province. Immediately after the Departure Ceremony, 307 Battalion fought many battles and continuously achieved resounding victories which make "many French soldiers tremble and fear", the Battalion's heroic achievements in the resistance war against France, fighting against America to save the country is forever engraved in the hearts of every Vietnamese person and written in the history of the heroic Vietnamese people. 307 Battalion was the first main force unit of Region 8, and also the first mobile unit of the South in the resistance war against the French. Some officers of the 99th Regiment were appointed to the Command Board of 307 Battalion such as Do Huy Rua, Nguyen Van Si and Hong Long. After 2 months ... View more




Memorial stele where Battalion 307 departed and where Battalion 310 was established

Although it is not the place where the heroic Battalion 307 was founded, Ben Tre is very honored and proud to be the place where the Battalion's troops were launched. Over 70 years, and the military departure event of the Battalion was on July 5, 1948 in Giong Luong hamlet, Dai Dien commune, Thanh Phu district being always regarded by the veterans of that day and traditionally educated for generations in the province. Immediately after the Departure Ceremony, 307 Battalion fought many battles and continuously achieved resounding victories which make "many French soldiers tremble and fear", the Battalion's heroic achievements in the resistance war against France, fighting against America to save the country is forever engraved in the hearts of every Vietnamese person and written in the history of the heroic Vietnamese people. 307 Battalion was the first main force unit of Region 8, and also the first mobile unit of the South in the resistance war against the French. Some officers of the 99th Regiment were appointed to the Command Board of 307 Battalion such as Do Huy Rua, Nguyen Van Si and Hong Long. After 2 months of training in Ben Tre, on July 5, 1948, 307 Battalion held a departure ceremony at Giong Luong (Dai Dien) and later became the traditional day of the Battalion. After the departure ceremony, the Battalion crossed the Tien River to receive their mission. The first battle was a great victory, liberating Moc Hoa district, linking the Vietnam - Cambodia battlefield, connecting Zone 8, Zone 7 and Zone 9 together, becoming the first milestone in the glorious traditional history of 307 Battalion. At the same time, it was regarded as a brilliant point in the history of the resistance war against the French of Long An and Region 8. After that, the Battalion continuously achieved many resounding victories in 9 provinces of the Mekong Delta. In 1949, the French colonialists advocated a sweep into Dong Thap Muoi to destroy the headquarters of the South and Area 8, coordinate with the Northern battlefield and deal with our general counter-attack plan. The battalion quickly marched against the enemy breaking the enemy siege. After the victory at Dong Thap Muoi, the majestic song " 307 Battalion " (poetry by Nguyen Binh, music by Nguyen Huu Tri) was set up and has entered the souls of many generations of Vietnamese people. Wherever the 307 Battalion appeared, the French army was terrified. Wherever it went, it brought news of victory which made the people and soldiers delighted throughout the country. The people's love for 307 Battalion is simple, sincere but profound, natural but very real, from the mother's ash sprinkled on the slippery bridge to make it easier for the soldiers to pass, to the handle of wounded soldiers on the shoulders of women under a rain of bombs and bullets; from baskets of potatoes and bunches of bananas given to the soldiers along the road when the soldiers marched late at night through the village, from the hearty meals of the people to the joy of the village and soldier's mother when the soldiers returned victorious: “After winning the battle, the people rejoiced How much indescribable the joy is The soldiers and people are deeply loyal Let's kill the enemy together, you will be the leader" These precious sentiments of the people made 307 Battalion seem to have gained strength, making resounding and glorious victories... With those very young names, there is a Ta Van Bang in the Moc battle. It turned out that while pursuing the enemy, his left hand was severely injured, and his hand was bleeding profusely. He asked his teammates to help him cut it so it wouldn't get in the way. Seeing that his teammates hesitated because he was afraid he would be hurt, he pulled out the machete from his back then he used with his right hand to cut off his left hand. Mr. Bang kept to charge forward with a one-handed submachine gun, firing bullets continuously at the enemy. There was also a battalion commander, Do Huy Rua who commanded the devastating battle of Thap Muoi, "I am determined to fight with the enemy to the death this time," his words were like a summons which urged tenacious hearts to dare to die for the country. Heroic young people like 16-year-old scout Nguyen Van Xe held the flag , crossed the barrier and rushed forward, his blood drenched the flag red urging the soldiers of Company 931 to rush forward to take down the Bac Sa Ma post, opening the victory. The first victory for 307 Battalion in the Cau Ke campaign. There are still many examples of young people who fought bravely and selflessly, in every platoon, " You must be brave and cunning to fight the enemy " because the soldiers have always kept in their hearts: The battalion's departure occured that year The entire battalion swore under the yellow star The soldier regreted the blood how it fell The battalion's departure occured that year Swear to protect the country with all heart."" From the first day of its establishment until its gathering to the North, the Battalion fought over 110 battles and won many historic victories. The battalion was awarded in 2005 as the noble title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces by the State. In 1988, old soldiers gathered in Ben Tre to celebrate the 40th anniversary of Battalion 307's departure and inaugurated a memorial stele in Dai Dien commune. On July 4, 2018, at the Culture and Sports Center of Dai Dien commune, the District People's Committee cooperated with the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Ben Tre province to solemnly celebrate the 70th anniversary of Traditional Day of 307 Battalion , inaugurated the Souvenir stele and received the Provincial Historical Relic where 307 Battalion was launched and Battalion 310 was established. Talking about 307 Battalion , we feel the strength and determination of the fiery spirit when marching out, the strength of the Battalion is like a tornado entering battle. Inheriting and promoting the achieved achievements and heroic traditions of 307 Battalion in particular and the Vietnamese people in general, citizens in peacetime, we have been focusing all resources and energies to build and protect the Fatherland which uncles and brothers have spent all their youth, blood, and lives to regain with a belief and desire to develop the country to prosperity and happiness.

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