
Price: Free


Time to visit a place: 120 phút

Open Time: 7:00 AM - Close Time: 6:00 PM


Address: Ap Phu Long Phung A, xa Phu Khanh Xã Phú Khánh, Huyện Thạnh Phú, Tỉnh Bến Tre

On February 3, 1930, the Communist Party of Vietnam was établished marking a great turning point in Vietnam's history, opening a new revolutionary period in our country. With the correct policy, the Party has gathered a large number of people into revolutionary organizations, Party cells have been formed and developed in many places throughout the country, since then, the people's revolutionary struggle movement continuously developed , strongly impacted to the patriotic spirit of the people of Thanh Phu district. In April 1930, the Provisional Provincial Party Committee of My Tho implemented the decision of the Southern Party Committee and appointed a staff committee consisting of 3 comrades: Nguyen Van Nguyen, Nguyen Van An and Nguyen Van Tri to operate and build the Party base in Ben Tre. After the Party organization was established in Ba Tri and Mo Cay districts, comrades Nguyen Phuc Hung and Huynh Khac Man expanded their activities to Thanh Phu. In the mid-1930s, the two comrades went to the villages of Phu Khanh, Dai Dien, An Qui, Giao Thanh, and Thanh Phu to propagate and mobilize the masses to participate in the revolution, develop party members and build grassroots organizations. party headquarters… By the end of ... View more




On February 3, 1930, the Communist Party of Vietnam was établished marking a great turning point in Vietnam's history, opening a new revolutionary period in our country. With the correct policy, the Party has gathered a large number of people into revolutionary organizations, Party cells have been formed and developed in many places throughout the country, since then, the people's revolutionary struggle movement continuously developed , strongly impacted to the patriotic spirit of the people of Thanh Phu district. In April 1930, the Provisional Provincial Party Committee of My Tho implemented the decision of the Southern Party Committee and appointed a staff committee consisting of 3 comrades: Nguyen Van Nguyen, Nguyen Van An and Nguyen Van Tri to operate and build the Party base in Ben Tre. After the Party organization was established in Ba Tri and Mo Cay districts, comrades Nguyen Phuc Hung and Huynh Khac Man expanded their activities to Thanh Phu. In the mid-1930s, the two comrades went to the villages of Phu Khanh, Dai Dien, An Qui, Giao Thanh, and Thanh Phu to propagate and mobilize the masses to participate in the revolution, develop party members and build grassroots organizations. party headquarters… By the end of 1930, under the witness of comrade Nguyen Phuc Hung, the first Vietnamese Communist Party cell of Thanh Phu district was established at Ba Dan's leaf hut, Phu Long Phung hamlet, Phu Khanh commune, including 11. members of party (Huynh Van Xung, Huynh Van Nhat, Kha, Nhan bricklayer, Quan Chan, Quan Buon, Huynh Van May, Nguyen Van Giat, Pham Van Bo, Nguyen Thanh Tan, Nguyen Van Tam), led by comrade Nguyen Van Tam -Party Secretary. After its formation, the Party Cell assigned party members to communes in the district to propagate and enlighten the masses, expand the Party's influence and create an increasingly tight relationship between the Party and the masses. That is an important factor creating the sustainable development of the local revolutionary movement in the following years. Party cells led the people to fight against oppression and exploitation by colonialists, tyrants, landlords, etc.; Gradually develop revolutionary forces, develop new party members and develop Party organizations throughout the district creating conditions for the Thanh Phu District Party Committee to be established in July 1945 (at this time the whole district had 6 branches of cell and more than 40 party members) and led the people of Thanh Phu district to fight for victory in the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the American imperialists, as well as in the work of building and protecting the Fatherland, reforming the country, also developing the home district and achieving important achievements. After the South was completely liberated (at this time the whole district had 20 branches, party committees and more than 700 party members), the District Party Committee planned to build a memorial stele where the district's first Party cell was established, but due to limited resources, this idea has not yet been implemented. To appreciate, preserve and meet the demand of traditional and historical education for future generations; promoting the traditional value of "When drinking water, remember its source", on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Ben Tre Dong Khoi, the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam and welcoming party congresses at all levels, moving towards the The Party's 13th National Party Committee, the Standing Committee of Party Committee in Thanh Phu District developed Plan No. 247-KH/HU on September 4, 2019 about funding mobilization to build a Souvenir Stele where the first Party Cell was established of the district in the form of socialization, mobilization funds and support from organizations, individuals, businesses inside and outside the district, cadres, party members, civil servants, public employees and the armed forces who are working, retired in the district. The Souvenir Stele project where the first Party Cell of the district was established was started on December 5, 2019 in Phu Long Phung A hamlet, Phu Khanh commune. Project scale: Built on campus with a total land area of ​​nearly 3,000 square meters; The construction area of ​​the memorial stele yard is 600m2 including: Souvenir stele, ceremony yard, perspective, trees and internal roads. In which: Construction area for souvenir stele is 50m2; Total construction cost is 900 million VND. The project is invested by the District People's Committee, designed by the Ben Tre Construction Consulting and Inspection Center and also constructed by Ep Rep Trading and Construction Company Limited. On the morning of July 22, 2020, Thanh Phu District Party Committee held the inauguration ceremony of the memorial stele where the first Party Cell of Thanh Phu district was established in Phu Long Phung A hamlet, Phu Khanh commune. Along with the inauguration of the District Party Committee Hall, these are two practical projects to welcome the 12th Thanh Phu District Party Congress in the term 2020-2025 being organized from July 30 to 31, 2020. This is a project having profound significance in the Party Committee and people of Thanh Phu district that aims to show respect and gratitude for the history of formation and development of the party organization in the district. Senior party members have contributed to establishing, building, developing and leading District Party Cells and Party Committees through periods; At the same time, it is a "point" for educating revolutionary traditions for the next generation to continue building clean, strong and comprehensive party cells and party committees. Recently, the entire district has 55 branches and direct party committee under the District Party Committee, 231 branches under the grassroots party committee and more than 5,000 party members. This is the basis, the nucleus to lead the people of Thanh Phu district to continue promoting the heroic tradition and the spirit of "New Dong Khoi" to help Thanh Phu's homeland become increasingly rich, beautiful, and civilized.

Review and Evaluation

(From total review)

Sample Plan

