Ben Tre participates in the opening of the national tourism year - Dien Bien and the 2024 flower festival

20/03/2024 999 0
From March 16 to March 18, 2024, the working group of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism was led by Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung - Deputy Director of the Department, along with representatives of departments, specialized units and the Association. Tourism Association and tourism businesses of Ben Tre province participated in the opening of the National Tourism Year and Hoa Ban Festival 2024 in Dien Bien Phu city. This is a typical cultural - economic - social event on a national scale jointly organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Dien Bien province, aiming to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory. (May 7, 1954 - May 7, 2024).

Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung took souvenir photos at the Ben Tre booth

National Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024 with nearly 170 programs, events and many unique cultural, sports and tourism activities, taking place throughout 2024. Opening ceremony with the theme "Glory of Dien Bien Bien Phu - Endless Experience" along with Hoa Ban Festival in 2024 taking place from March 16 to March 18, 2024 is one of the practical activities to introduce and promote the image of Dien Bien tourism. particular and Vietnam in general, at the same time enhancing exchanges and linkages in tourism development between provinces and cities across the country. The event took place with many outstanding activities such as: performing traditional costumes of ethnic groups, real-life show "Legend of U Va", Khen Mong and Xoe Thai art festivals, highland cultural space, scientific seminars, display activities, introducing OCOP products, traditional craft village products...

Participating in the event, Ben Tre displayed and introduced more than 300 publications promoting tourism, local cuisine, and products made from coconut, such as: coconut candy, coconut handicrafts, rice paper, some marine products (shrimp paste, shrimp paste...). This is also an opportunity for Ben Tre businesses and businesses in the Northern provinces and cities to have the opportunity to introduce, advertise and promote trade and tourism; meet, interact, exchange experiences, and at the same time invite investment in tourism products, promoting the rapid and sustainable development of Coconut Land tourism.

Some publications displayed at the Ben Tre tourism promotion booth

Within the framework of the program, the delegation of Ben Tre province, in coordination with Tra Vinh, Vinh Long and some provinces, participated in a survey of Dien Bien tourism products with typical destinations such as: Historical Victory Museum Dien Bien Phu, Dien Bien Phu campaign headquarters, Dien Bien Phu martyrs cemetery, Muong Thanh field, Pa Khoang lake, A1 hill historical relic, Dien Bien Phu stronghold group command bunker (Do tunnel Sand)...

Delegates from the provinces participated in the survey of Dien Bien tourism products

          It is known that the National Tourism Year has gone through 19 periods, making an important contribution to promoting local tourism where it is hosted, attracting a large number of domestic and international tourists, and promoting the image of the country. Vietnam is a beautiful, safe country with a unique culture and friendly people, hospitable to the world.

Truc Giang - Minh Tien

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