Continue to strengthen destination management and improve state management of tourism

19/02/2024 1316 0
(TITC) - This is the direction of Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Hung at the early spring meeting to deploy tasks with leaders of departments, agencies and units under the Ministry. on the afternoon of February 15. Also attending were Deputy Minister Ta Quang Dong, Deputy Minister Trinh Thi Thuy, and Deputy Minister Hoang Dao Cuong.

Minister Nguyen Van Hung gives instructions at the meeting at the beginning of the year (Photo: Fatherland)

Tourism activities take place vibrantly across the country

Regarding the situation of tourism activities during the Lunar New Year, Director of the Vietnam National Tourism Administration Nguyen Trung Khanh said that the Department has advised the leaders of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to issue an official dispatch to the People's Committees of provinces and cities requesting Strengthen management of tourism products that pose a risk to the lives and health of tourists. At the same time, the Department has issued an official dispatch to tourism management departments requesting to strengthen destination management, control the quality of tourism services in the area, and ensure safe tourism activities during the Lunar New Year. Safe, joyful, healthy, economical.

Therefore, during the Lunar New Year of Giap Thin, localities have been very proactive in implementing activities to attract and serve tourists, ensuring service quality. In addition to many cultural events and activities, tourism businesses also proactively provide service packages to suit people's needs during the Lunar New Year.

Director of Vietnam National Tourism Administration Nguyen Trung Khanh (Photo: Fatherland)

Director Nguyen Trung Khanh informed that from February 8 - 14, the country's tourism industry is estimated to welcome and serve 10.5 million domestic visitors (an increase of 16.6% over the same period in 2023); including about 3.5 million visitors (up 75% over the same period in 2023); Average room capacity is estimated at about 45 - 50% at the tourist accommodation system (in which high-end 4 - 5 star tourist accommodation in some key tourist localities reach capacity). higher, focusing on the 3rd and 4th days of Tet). Many key tourist localities attract large numbers of tourists, bringing in large revenues from tourism activities.

Regarding cultural activities and festivals, Director of the Department of Grassroots Culture Ninh Thi Thu Huong said that for the management of the early Spring festival in 2024, with the general direction of the Government, close guidance of the Ministry's leaders, the Ministry and the Department have issued many documents sent to localities. Overall, this year's festival management is more innovative than every year. Provinces and cities have proactively proposed central, key, and forecasted plans for local festival activities. Many localities have issued master plans for common festival activities, thereby directly directing authorities at all levels to develop scenarios and plans, which offer many feasible options for festival activities. festival.

Through monitoring, it can be seen that the scale and duration of traditional festivals this year have expanded, such as in Hanoi, the first year Go Dong Da Festival was held for 3 days, or like the Hai Ba Temple Festival. Show in Me Linh district is the first to be held on the largest scale ever.

Director of the Department of Physical Training and Sports Dang Ha Viet (Photo: Fatherland)

Regarding the field of physical training and sports, Director of the Department of Physical Training and Sports Dang Ha Viet said that based on the guidance of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, localities have proactively developed plans to organize many exciting physical training and sports activities. , a special celebration of "Celebrate the Party - Celebrate Spring" on the Lunar New Year of Giap Thin 2024. Dien Bien organizes competitions in Tug of War, Tung Co, Basketball, and Dance Sports; Hanoi organizes the national wrestling tournament "Celebrate the Party, Celebrate the Spring"; Hai Duong organizes exchange activities, friendly competitions in sports, entertainment sports, and martial arts performances with units inside and outside the province; Table tennis exchange at the Provincial Sports Training, Coaching and Competition Center...

The Ministry will continue to implement many tasks after Tet

Regarding some work implemented after the Lunar New Year, Chief of Office of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Danh Hoang Viet said he will continue to strictly implement Directive No. 26-CT/TW dated November 23, 2023 of the Party Central Committee Secretariat. on organizing the Year of the Dragon in 2024; Directive No. 30/CT-TTg dated December 15, 2023 of the Prime Minister on strengthening measures to ensure the celebration of the Lunar New Year Giap Thin in 2024; Official Telegram No. 11/CD-TTg dated January 30, 2024 of the Prime Minister on ensuring a civilized, safe, and economical lifestyle in religious activities, the Lunar New Year of the Dragon and the Spring Festival year 2024.

Continue to implement Decree No. 110/2018/ND-CP dated August 29, 2018 of the Government regulating the management and organization of festivals; Directive documents of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism: Decision No. 2139/QD-BVHTTDL dated July 16, 2021 approving the Project "Digitizing festival data in Vietnam" for the period 2021-2025; Directive No. 274/CTBVHTTDL dated September 23, 2022 on "Strengthening state management of a number of cultural and artistic activities, festivals, protecting and promoting cultural heritage values, restoring and developing tourism development"; Decision No. 2068/QD-BVHTTDL dated August 3, 2023 on developing a "Set of cultural environment criteria in traditional festivals" and documents directing, guiding, urging and inspecting management work. manage and organize festivals.

Chief of Office of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Danh Hoang Viet (Photo: Fatherland)

Promote the propaganda of civilized lifestyles when participating in festivals and the Party and State's regulations on festival management and organization. Strengthen inspection and examination of entertainment activities to celebrate the Party, welcome the New Year of the Dragon and the management and organization of the 2024 festival.

Along with that, organize cultural and artistic activities, propaganda, promotion, and exhibitions in many diverse forms, with rich content in many appropriate, focused, key, and practical forms. , safe, economical, avoid ostentation of formality; promote the effective implementation of political tasks.

The Prime Minister highly appreciated the efforts of the Culture, Sports and Tourism sector

Speaking at the meeting, Minister Nguyen Van Hung emphasized that we are pleased to see and implement the Party and State's policies, associated with implementing the industry's responsibilities in organizing activities. Culture, sports and tourism ensure to serve the spiritual life of the people and contribute to the economic development of tourism and services. With an early, remote and proactive approach, before Tet, the Ministry has Many documents direct localities to accompany and further strengthen State management to bring activities into order.

The Minister was pleased to say that at the first meeting of the year, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh gave many compliments and acknowledged the efforts of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in managing the festival to take place safely in accordance with good customs and traditions, without any violations. commercialization expression. In addition, cultural activities to celebrate the Party and Spring took place enthusiastically and widely, contributing to important political events of the country. Tourism shows many signs of growth. The Prime Minister acknowledged the common efforts and hoped that the entire Culture, Sports and Tourism sector would continue to carry out the tasks assigned by the Party, State and People.

The Minister said that with early preparation and serious implementation of Directive 26 of the Secretariat, Directive of the Prime Minister, and Official Telegram of the Government, it can be seen that the whole industry has achieved many remarkable results. Cultural and artistic activities and festivals have been implemented systematically, taking place vibrantly and in accordance with the scale of each locality and region, meeting the needs of the people's cultural and spiritual life.

According to the Minister, these assessments are results worthy of recognition. Many previous shortcomings during the festival seasons have now been rectified, and localities have actively participated. The Ministry also sent an official dispatch to the provinces, city Party Committees and Secretaries of the provincial and city Party Committees. The Minister also sent instructions to the entire industry and the People's Committees of the provinces; At the same time, we request Deputy Ministers to issue official dispatches urging the Department of Grassroots Culture to continuously issue documents requesting Departments to seriously implement documents on festival management issued by all levels. Inspection activities are organized regularly.

Regarding the field of tourism, the Minister said that we have persistently and effectively implemented Resolution 82 of the Government associated with the conclusions at two important conferences on tourism chaired by the Prime Minister. All localities have new tourism products; Through promotion and innovation of products to create safe destinations, the number of visitors has increased, and the number of staying guests has increased with impressive numbers. More foreign visitors come to Vietnam, learn about Vietnamese culture and Vietnamese customs, and celebrate Vietnamese New Year.

"In particular, the United Nations' recognition of the Lunar New Year holiday as a public holiday has also contributed to affirming its position and good customs, thereby also increasing the number of tourists" - the Minister emphasized. strong.

Regarding the field of sports, according to the Minister, we have organized many activities, focusing on national sports, thereby preserving and honoring the nation's cultural identity. Teams continue to practice to participate in international and domestic tournaments.

"The results that the whole industry has strived to achieve are very encouraging, stemming from the fact that the whole industry has thoroughly grasped and closely followed the guiding viewpoints of the Party and State, concretized policies, and actively followed areas, urge inspection and promote the responsibility of leaders in implementing these tasks" - the Minister emphasized.

Strengthen destination management, improve State management of tourism

At the same time, the Minister also noted not to be subjective with the achieved results: "The festival season is still long, especially in January, so in the coming time, it is recommended that functional Departments and Departments focus on rectify and manage the festival, further strengthen inspection work, to prevent violations from occurring. The Department of Grassroots Culture and the Department of Cultural Heritage have timely and proactive solutions Monitor the current situation and status of the festivals; if any inadequacies or problems arise, quickly report them to the Ministry's leadership for timely correction."

Minister Nguyen Van Hung gives instructions (Photo: Fatherland)

Regarding tourism, the Minister suggested that it is necessary to continue to strengthen destination management and better implement the content of State management of tourism, guiding localities to ensure the issue of tourism acceleration, Complete the targets assigned by the Government to the industry. Especially the goal of building a safe destination, a friendly environment, green, clean and beautiful, with unique and typical products.

Organize well the activities assigned by the Government to the Ministry to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory. Before that time, activities must be organized in the northern mountainous provinces to create a common atmosphere and movement. shared. Units, according to their functions and tasks, carry out assigned tasks, ensuring work efficiency.

The Minister also emphasized the key tasks that need to be completed in the coming time, which are: completing the National Target Program on culture and submitting it to competent authorities; complete the Strategy on developing cultural industries in the new period; Mobilize resources to promote promotion in new ways...

We are on the right track

Minister Nguyen Van Hung said that the whole industry has gone through 2023 with many beautiful marks. It can be said that 2023 is an important milestone for us to look back on the results of activities after half a term and after two years of implementing the General Secretary's conclusions at the 2021 National Cultural Conference.

"At this point, the leaders of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism can say that we have chosen the right direction. Right from the beginning of the term, the leaders of the Ministry have determined the motto of drastic action and efforts to have positive results, with the desire to build a strong country to contribute to the country's overall achievements...".

The Minister affirmed that we have the right to be proud when the role and position of culture is increasingly enhanced; Culture is on par with economics, politics, and society as stated in the Party's viewpoints and resolutions.

Emphasizing that the time from now until the end of the term is just over 2 years, the Minister requested that the entire sector need to focus on implementing assigned tasks; Strengthen discipline, promote the responsibility of leaders, promote the spirit of solidarity, and build a cultural environment in offices and units; Use work efficiency as a measure.

"We must strive and try harder so that the results achieved next year will be even better. On the occasion of a new Spring rich in dreams and hopes, we continue to promote the desire to build an ever-growing industry. development", the Minister emphasized.

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