07/02/2024 1476 0
Every time "Tet comes spring", Cho Lach is like a colorful landscape painting, with thousands of flowers blooming in the gentle, chilly air, faintly scented with the indescribable scent of spring in the coming days. next year.

Tourists take photos at the bougainvillea garden (Photo: KD)

The land of Cho Lach is heavy with alluvium from the vast and poetic Tien River. It has long been known as a place of fragrant flowers and sweet fruits and is known as the famous "Kingdom of fruits, seedlings and ornamental flowers". of Ben Tre. In particular, Cai Mon flower village is the common name of concentrated flower growing areas such as: Vinh Thanh, Long Thoi, Phu Son,... with an area of ​​hundreds of hectares and thousands of households participating in growing ornamental flowers and seedlings. Spring is near, the flower colors here are more brilliant, each garden has its own color, Cai Mon ornamental flower village is like a colorful picture of hundreds of types of flowers, the fragrance filling the whole sky.

People are busy preparing flowers to consume during Tet. (Photo: Vo Tam)

In the Lunar New Year ornamental flower crop of Giap Thin 2024, Cho Lach provides a total output of nearly 10 million products, of which fresh flowers grown in baskets account for the majority with nearly 8 million baskets . Cho Lach is not only an ideal Ben Tre tourist destination for visitors to admire the brilliant beauty of flowers blooming every spring, but also a place to learn more about people's flower cultivation techniques. local. They are farmers and artisans with skillful and diligent hands who create unique ornamental flower products to beautify spring and life.

Every season of the year, Cho Lach has its own unique beauty. But we must agree that spring is still the most beautiful season in this ornamental flower village. Coming to Cho Lach in the mid-late days of December (lunar calendar), visitors will admire the colorful beauty of thousands of flowers and immerse themselves in the busy atmosphere of farmers preparing flowers for Tet. The people here are always friendly and open to welcoming tourists to visit, take photos and save beautiful photos. Visitors can also experience electric cars or ride bicycles around the colorful flower streets of Phu Son, Vinh Thanh, Long Thoi communes,...admire the colorful pots of bougainvillea flowers with orange, white, and pink. ... blooming in the sunlight , blending with the bright red color of cockscomb flowers or the yellow color of raspberries waiting to bloom. All create an extremely beautiful scene.

Brightly blooming flower fields (Photo: KD)

People in the land of ornamental flowers often joke with each other that growing flowers means "growing flowers in 10 days for 1 year". The period from around the 23rd of the Lunar New Year onwards is when traders are most busy purchasing, with trucks coming one after another to deliver flowers to all parts of the country. From around the 25th of Tet is the time to "clear the garden", when the remaining flower pots will be brought to the street and sold directly to people. If you have the opportunity, try to return to Cho Lach these days to see the spring atmosphere present all over the roads, on the colorful fields./.

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