Ben Tre tourism industry - a fruitful year

02/01/2024 1042 0
VOV.VN - Năm 2023, ngành du lịch tỉnh Bến Tre tiếp tục khởi sắc. Hầu hết các cơ sở, công ty kinh doanh du lịch ở các địa phương đều rất nỗ lực trong việc thu hút khách tham quan.

Like many travel and tourism businesses in Ben Tre, in 2023, C2T Tourism Communication Company Limited (in Phu Khuong ward, Ben Tre city) operates very effectively. During the year, the company welcomed more than 200 people. Tourist groups; 30% of them are international visitors; revenue increases by more than 30% compared to 2022.

The difference of C2T Tourism Communications Co., Ltd. is to take visitors by boat to visit along the four major rivers of Ben Tre province, namely Tien River - Ham Luong - Ba Lai - Co Chien, to enjoy river specialties. water and agricultural products produced by local farmers.

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Foreign tourists are very interested in traveling to the rivers of Ben Tre province.


Mr. Vo Van Phong, Director of C2T Tourism Communications Co., Ltd. shared: "Here, the strategy is very simple: we have a different experience and understand customers. I know that when customers go on tours, they are satisfied. They have a relationship and their relatives find it suitable so they introduce their tour. I change according to the needs of customers. After the covid-19 epidemic, they have a different way of traveling that needs novelty. What makes people come back to C2T company is constantly upgrading and changing products and launching new products to serve old customers. Fourth, I encourage them to go instead of going once a year, now I encourage them to go twice so they can enjoy the "" policy.

According to the Department of Culture - Sports and Tourism of Ben Tre province, since the Covid-19 epidemic subsided, the local tourism industry has recovered strongly, with visitors higher each year than last year. In 2023, the province is expected to welcome more than 2.2 million tourists from near and far, reaching more than 170% of the year's plan and increasing by nearly 1 million tourists compared to last year. It is worth noting that there were nearly 400 thousand international visitors, an increase of more than 430% compared to last year.

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Tourists catch clams on Ba Tri beach.

Coming to Ben Tre, visitors can enjoy the fresh, cool atmosphere under the shady trees, admire the works and historical cultural relics, and have moments of soul-soothing and rejuvenation. Recalling the memories of a spiritual land, with many victories that made the heroic Dong Khoi homeland famous.

Mr. Le Huu Phuoc, a tourist from Ho Chi Minh City, after visiting Thanh Phu district, Ben Tre province, expressed: ""Even though I didn't spend much time visiting here, I learned more about its specialties." Points about people, culture, history here. What impressed me most was the Ho Chi Minh Road on the sea, the train without numbers, and the place famous for seafood and wind power projects. The air is very cool and fresh. If possible, I will recommend my friends and relatives to come here to visit and rest after tiring days of studying and working.

The entire Ben Tre province currently has 32 travel service businesses, including 10 international travel businesses and 22 domestic travel businesses; nearly 100 accommodation establishments with over 1,500 rooms accommodating over 3,000 guests, including 34 homestay services, over 50 tourist areas and attractions; 09 typical tourist destinations in the Mekong Delta.

The characteristic of the coconut land is that there are up to 57 craft villages, of which 39 are agricultural craft villages, 18 handicraft villages are very attractive to tourists such as: producing seedlings - ornamental flowers, processing fish dry, make wine, make coconut candy, rice paper, puff cake. Besides, the province has 244 OCOP products achieving 3 stars or higher, including 154 products achieving 3 stars, 86 products achieving 4 stars, and 4 products achieving 5 stars.Ben Tre also has 2 special national monuments, 16 national-level monuments and 60 provincial-level monuments that are destinations for visitors from far away.

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 Many eco-tourism areas in Binh Dai district are attracting tourists.

In recent years, agricultural ecotourism in Ben Tre province has been of interest and development with many types and tourism products being exploited such as: Tours to visit fruit orchards, coconut gardens, Seedling - ornamental flower production areas, visiting high-tech agricultural models; Travel to experience daily life in rural areas at people's homes; Visit and experience traditional craft villages. In particular, marine tourism combined with visiting and learning about the mangrove ecosystem in 3 coastal districts is also one of the types of agricultural tourism that is of interest to tourists.

In Binh Dai district, there are currently 6 main tourist destinations, attracting more and more tourists to visit and vacation. Typically, Thua Duc coastal community tourism area; "The Forest Keeper" eco-tourism area in Thanh Phuoc commune with 25 hectares has an amusement park, entertainment area, and mangrove ecological forest. Particularly in Binh Dai town, there is a spiritual tourist area at Van Phuoc Pagoda. During the traditional Tet holiday, tens of thousands of people come to visit and visit every day; On holidays and weekends, there are nearly tens of thousands of visitors.

Recently, the number of tourists visiting and traveling in Binh Dai district has been increasing; Business establishments and tourism services have increased and diversified their models. This year, Binh Dai district welcomed over 230,000 visitors from near and far, an increase of nearly 15% compared to last year. Towards the tourism industry, the district considers it an important economic sector along with marine exploitation and aquaculture. 

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Visitors to Ben Tre participate in ditch-catching fish activities.

Mr. Lu Van Nhuong, Head of the Culture and Information Department of Binh Dai district, said: "Currently, the district has implemented a tourism development project for the period 2022-2030 with an orientation to 2045. The implementation roadmap follows each stage. There is regional planning associated with land use plans to invite investment. Binh Dai wants to develop a very large tourist destination in Chai Muoi island with an area of about 700 hectares. Regarding forest development associated with tourism, both protecting forests and associated with tourism development, without destroying the ecology, associated with green tourism. At the same time, develop tourism associated with historical and revolutionary relics, especially in Thoi Thuan and Thua Duc areas.

In Thanh Phu district, it is maximizing its tourism strengths, striving to become the tourism center of the province's coastal districts.The highlight of Thanh Phu tourism is that the locality recently successfully organized the 2023 Culture - Sports - Marine Tourism Week, with the theme "Thanh Phu marine tourism links and develops", at the Conservation Area. , embellishing and promoting the value of the historical Ho Chi Minh Trail on the Sea (Thanh Hai commune), attracting more than 30,000 visitors to visit and experience.Thanh Phu beach is increasingly attractive to tourists.

According to the Tourism Development Project to 2030, tourism will become a key economic sector of Thanh Phu district, attracting 2.5 million tourists and creating jobs for 2,500 workers... To realize To realize this aspiration, Thanh Phu has many solutions to reformat ecological agriculture models such as growing mangoes, ginseng, high-tech shrimp farming, wind power tour services, and re-planning the Con tourist area. Bung, developing 2 cultural and tourist villages Thanh Phong - Thanh Hai and Dai Dien - Phu Khanh.

On this New Year's Eve 2024, tourism establishments and businesses in Ben Tre province have carefully prepared to serve tourists. Every year from now until after the traditional Tet is the peak tourist season; Promotional packages and programs for tourists are implemented by units to ""please guests who come, satisfy guests who leave and make an appointment to return"".

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Visitors pick and enjoy specialty fruits of Ben Tre province.

Mr. Chau Hong Luat, Director of Mien Que Tourism Company Limited in An Khanh commune, Chau Thanh district, Ben Tre province said: "" Mien Que Tourism Company offers a tourism stimulus program, with promotions for traveler. Specifically, reducing prices and increasing services for customers. Before going to visit the dunes, now there is an additional promotion for customers going to Lien Hoa Pagoda in Tien Giang province. The cost is the same as a normal tour, I do not charge extra. For food, I'm looking for rustic dishes according to customers' needs.

Along with the garden economy, aquaculture, and seafood exploitation, the tourism industry is of interest and improvement to all sectors, levels, and people of the coconut land. Ben Tre province has invested in developing infrastructure to serve tourism activities. Typical examples include: implementing tourism projects in Chau Thanh district, investing in infrastructure to serve tourism in 08 communes along the Tien River with a total cost of over 324 billion VND, putting into operation a tourist wharf. Ben Tre, approved the construction of Mekong Pearl eco-tourism resort, Rach Mieu Pier project, Tan Thach commune, Chau Thanh district, Huong Bien Restaurant project, Thanh Hai commune, Thanh Phu district.

Ben Tre continues to consolidate, perfect and develop to improve quality and create highlights with the characteristic ""Coconut Land Tourism""; Focus on developing sightseeing programs and intra-provincial and intra-regional tourist routes13; continue to connect provinces and cities to complete and develop the "Charming Mountains" route (Ho Chi Minh City - Tien Giang - Ben Tre - Tra Vinh - Soc Trang - Can Tho - Bac Lieu - Ca Mau) and some route linking 6 provinces: Long An - Tien Giang - Ben Tre - Vinh Long - Tra Vinh - Dong Thap...

With those efforts, we believe that the tourism industry of Ben Tre province will continue to develop, creating a highlight with the characteristic "Coconut Land Tourism" with a variety of attractive and unique tourism types and products to serving the increasing needs of visitors during the period of integration and development.

Nhat Truong/VOV-Mekong Delta

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