Ben Tre has 2 accommodation facilities that meet ASEAN tourism standards

02/01/2024 825 0
BDK.VN - Vừa qua, Cục Du lịch Quốc gia Việt Nam đã trao tặng giấy khen cho các đơn vị thực hiện tiêu chuẩn du lịch ASEAN. Trong đó, Bến Tre có 2 đơn vị là Bến Tre Riverside Resort (cơ sở lưu trú hạng 4 sao) và khách sạn Diamond Stars Bến Tre (cơ sở lưu trú hạng 5 sao) vinh dự được nhận giấy khen này.

Các đơn vị thực hiện tiêu chuẩn du lịch ASEAN được nhận giấy khen của Cục Du lịch Quốc gia Việt Nam. Ảnh: CTV

With the goal of making ASEAN a quality destination and improving the competitiveness of ASEAN tourism compared to other regions, recently, ASEAN countries have focused on building common tourism standards according to 2 group. Specifically, it includes skills standards to improve the quality of service provision of tourism workers and related standards that complement the improvement of product and destination quality. This is considered a very good approach to improve the quality of tourism products and services of ASEAN in general through collective efforts, minimizing costs for each member country.

Vietnam's tourism development activities contribute positively to maintaining intra-regional solidarity, strengthening cooperation among member countries as well as between ASEAN and external partners, contributing significantly to the development of ASEAN. development of ASEAN. Comprehensive and deep integration with ASEAN is also a way for Vietnam to participate in global integration more and more strongly.

Thanh Dong

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