Tourism investment promotion conference in Ho Chi Minh City and Ben Tre in 2023

28/12/2023 816 0
BDK.VN - Ngày 27-12-2023, UBND tỉnh Bến Tre và UBND TP. Hồ Chí Minh phối hợp tổ chức hội nghị xúc tiến mời gọi đầu tư du lịch TP. Hồ Chí Minh và Bến Tre năm 2023, hướng đến các tỉnh, thành đồng bằng sông Cửu Long (ĐBSCL) trong những năm tiếp theo.

Chairman of Ben Tre Provincial People's Committee Tran Ngoc Tam, Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Nguyen Van Dung and leaders of departments and branches visited the tourism promotion booth of Ben Tre province.

Attending the event were Chairman of Ben Tre Provincial People's Committee Tran Ngoc Tam, Vice Chairman of Ben Tre Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thi Be Muoi, Vice Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee Nguyen Van Dung, leaders of departments, Tourism Association, Tourism Promotion Center, investment businesses, and tourism businesses in the Mekong Delta provinces and Ho Chi Minh City.

In 2023, tourism investment promotion work in Ho Chi Minh City and Mekong Delta provinces and cities will achieve outstanding results. Particularly for Ben Tre tourism investment promotion, the units organized a survey of 5 tourism investment projects in 3 districts: Ba Tri, Binh Dai and Cho Lach, and organized a discussion to evaluate the potential tourism investment projects in Ben Tre area with the participation of tourism investment businesses and commercial production and services.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thi Be Muoi spoke at the conference.

Ben Tre currently has 23 priority projects calling for tourism investment. In addition to implementing preferential investment policies of the Government, the province also has many mechanisms and policies to support tourism development such as: investing in upgrading and developing transport infrastructure, supporting in site clearance and land procedures. The province also creates favorable conditions to help investors quickly access information, plans, projects, works as well as advise, support, and guiding the steps in the process of applying for policies, granting investment licenses, and having specific preferential corporate income tax policies for investors in projects calling for investment in each area.

Through a survey of the province's tourism projects, investors have shown interest and raised questions about cooperation and investment. At the event, a memorandum of understanding of cooperation agreement was also signed and handed over between the People's Committee of Ben Tre province and 17 businesses (13 businesses in Ho Chi Minh City and 4 businesses in Ben Tre). From here, it opens the door for the development of products and services in the coming time in the province. The conference also exchanged and discussed contents and solutions to promote effective cooperation in the field of tourism investment, creating opportunities to connect and trade between businesses and investors of the localities.

Leaders of Ben Tre Provincial People's Committee and Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee awarded cooperation agreements and flowers to tourism businesses.


Speaking at the conference, Vice Chairwoman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thi Be Muoi said: Ben Tre Province will continue to focus on implementing administrative reform well, researching and building referential policy mechanisms to attract investment suitable to the conditions of each locality, creating a legal corridor, accessing land, investing in synchronous infrastructure upgrades, creating favorable conditions for businesses and investors to feel secure and confident in business and investment cooperation. Focus on building, upgrading, expanding and completing traffic connection hubs (water and land), quality and large-scale port and wharf projects; promote and spread the benefits and values ​​of tourism.

Provincial departments, branches, and People's Committees of districts and cities implement planning programs to concretize the province's commitments to investors. The business and investor community needs to further improve their sense of responsibility, placing their interests in the interests of the nation, country, locality, community and society. Correctly implement the cooperation agreement, disburse investment capital, register the project as a real project, say no to virtual projects.

News, photos: Thanh Dong

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