Developing green and sustainable tourism is the strategic direction of Vietnam's tourism sector

20/11/2023 748 0
Chiều 17/11, tại thành phố Vũng Tàu, Báo Văn hóa và Tạp chí điện tử Thương hiệu & Sản phẩm chủ trì, phối hợp Sở Du lịch tỉnh Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu tổ chức Diễn đàn Phát triển du lịch xanh Việt Nam năm 2023 với chủ đề “Tăng trưởng xanh và bền vững”.

Attending the forum were Mr. Hoang Dao Cuong, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Mr. Nguyen Le Phuc, Deputy Director of Vietnam National Tourism Administration (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism); Mr. Le Ngoc Khanh, Vice Chairman of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial People's Committee; along with experts, speakers, and tourism industry representatives from a number of localities and travel businesses inside and outside the province.

Speaking at the opening of the forum, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hoang Dao Cuong said that Vietnamese tourism is taking steps to recover and develop strongly after the pandemic, laying the foundation for continued success. In the previous period, the image of Vietnamese tourism is increasingly spread more widely and receives love from friends and international tourists.

Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Hoang Dao Cuong spoke at the Forum

However, besides these achievements, tourism is currently facing many challenges in developing and exploiting and using natural resources as well as problems such as local overcrowding, seasonality, and other problems in environmental management, improving quality and diversifying tourism products, the impact of climate change and sea level rise. Therefore, developing green tourism and sustainable tourism has become a principle and a common trend in tourism development in many countries around the world. "Green" criteria have been increasingly valued by the market in choosing destinations and tourism products.

Deputy Minister Hoang Dao Cuong affirmed that green tourism development not only plays an important role in protecting the environment and resources but also brings new values to tourism products, contributing to improving economic efficiency, while maintaining long-term, sustainable exploitation. With huge potential, Vietnam has determination and is firmly on the path to becoming a leading green tourism destination.

Overview of the Forum

Giving a welcome speech at the forum, Mr. Le Ngoc Khanh - Vice Chairman of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial People's Committee shared: Tourism is considered an integrated economic sector, bringing many great economic and social benefits. With continuous growth over the past decades, tourism has affirmed itself as one of the fastest growing and largest service economic sectors in the world, contributing to the development of countries around the world. world and Vietnam. In the socio-economic development orientation, Ba Ria - Vung Tau province identifies tourism as one of four pillars to focus on development (along with industry, seaports and high-tech agriculture) with the goal of "Developing Ba Ria - Vung Tau is a high-quality, world-class tourism center, an entertainment and resort center worthy of international standards."

Vice Chairman of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial People's Committee Le Ngoc Khanh spoke at the Forum

Mr. Le Ngoc Khanh hopes that through the forum, he will listen and receive initiatives, solutions, and opinions from experts, businesses, and investors on solutions and directions, experience and good, practical and effective practices to apply and promote tourism development in the province in the coming time associated with protecting the natural environment, preserving and promoting national cultural values. Provincial leaders also expressed hope that the forum will also be a bridge to connect and strengthen cooperation between Ba Ria - Vung Tau with localities and businesses operating in the field of tourism, thereby strongly developing tourism tourism activities so that the tourism economic sector truly becomes a key economic sector according to the Politburo's orientation in Resolution No. 08-NQ/TW.

Speaking at the forum, Deputy Director of the Vietnam National Administration Nguyen Le Phuc said that developing green tourism and environmentally and socially responsible tourism is a trend, as well as an important strategic direction of Vietnamese tourism. In recent years, green tourism has received increasing attention, becoming an important development direction for many countries around the world. “Green tourism and investment” was chosen as the theme of World Tourism Day 2023, emphasizing the need to increase investment in green tourism towards sustainable development.

Deputy Director of the Vietnam National Administration Nguyen Le Phuc spoke at the Forum

According to Deputy Director Nguyen Le Phuc, green tourism development needs to pay attention to 3 basic contents, which are: (1) Green tourism management: need institutions, policies, strategies, planning, and plans to develop green tourism; (2) Developing green tourism products and services: tourism businesses exploit resources, develop products, and create green tourism products and services; (3) Green tourism consumption: tourists consciously choose to use green tourism products and services, and choose green destinations; Be responsible for protecting resources and the environment when traveling.

The Deputy Director said that the forum will have two main discussion sessions on the potential and opportunities for breakthrough green tourism development in Vietnam, some key issues such as: Trends in exploiting green tourism in the world and Vietnam's applicability; Smart tourism management towards green and sustainable goals; digital transformation of the tourism sector; development of green tourism products; the need to promulgate a "set of green tourism criteria"; Recommend issues related to reviewing, amending and supplementing mechanisms, policies and regulations to encourage and create breakthroughs in tourism development both domestically and internationally; introducing a number of models and products and services linking smart tourism... Deputy Director Nguyen Le Phuc hopes that the forum will be an event to launch a strong movement to promote green tourism development in Vietnam.

Delegates attended the discussion session

At the forum, experts, managers, and tourism businesses also proposed many ideas, recommendations, and solutions to create a breakthrough in green tourism development in Vietnam.

Speaking to summarize the forum, Editor-in-Chief of Culture Newspaper Nguyen Anh Vu said that through the speeches, discussions and direct exchanges at the Forum, it can be seen that the Forum brings together many experts and managers and large enterprises in the tourism sector with in-depth analysis, both theoretical and practical experience; has comprehensiveness and high gray matter content.

Editor-in-Chief of Culture Newspaper Nguyen Anh Vu gave a closing speech at the Forum

“It can be affirmed that Green tourism, green and sustainable growth are inevitable trends of international, regional, national tourism and all tourist destinations. This is also the general principle for tourism development from plans, strategies, planning to practical implementation. At the same time, it is a concrete step for sustainable tourism development in the tourism sector; Creative resource exploitation associated with resource conservation and embellishment...", Editor-in-Chief Nguyen Anh Vu emphasized.

According to the Editor-in-Chief of Culture Newspaper, the delegates clarified the potential, current status and development orientation of green tourism in Vietnam. Many delegates' opinions emphasized the need for legal clarification; creating a basis for detailed orientation and building a system of policies and incentives to support the implementation of green tourism in a methodical and effective way.

“The organizers would like to acknowledge the valuable, profound and responsible contributions of leaders, speakers and delegates. We will synthesize and report to the leaders of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on the results of today's Forum", Mr. Nguyen Anh Vu expressed and said, from the perspective of media agencies, especially Culture Newspaper, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of State Management of Tourism, we are committed to accompanying the tourism industry in developing green tourism with the goal of green and sustainable growth. Together with Brand and Product Magazine and other press agencies across the country, we will further promote the role of tourism media, contributing to the voice of the sector and promoting the image of Vietnam as a green, clean, beautiful, safe and friendly destination," said Mr. Nguyen Anh Vu.

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