Training to improve environmental protection capacity in the tourism sector

13/10/2023 836 0
BDK.VN - Ngày 12-10-2023, Sở Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch phối hợp với Sở Tài nguyên và Môi trường, UBND TP. Bến Tre tổ chức hội nghị tập huấn nâng cao năng lực bảo vệ môi trường trong lĩnh vực du lịch tại TP. Bến Tre. Tham dự hội nghị có đại diện lãnh đạo các sở, ngành tỉnh, các phòng ban liên quan của UBND TP. Bến Tre, đại diện các doanh nghiệp, cơ sở kinh doanh du lịch trên địa bàn TP. Bến Tre.

Delegates attended a training conference to raise awareness about environmental protection in tourism activities.

At the conference, representatives of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment deployed a number of documents regulating environmental protection, violations and handling of administrative violations in the field of environment in cultural and sports and tourism activities such as: Resolution No. 41-NQ/TW of the IX Politburo on environmental protection in the period of promoting industrialization and modernization of the country, Resolution No. 24-NQ/TW of the Central Executive Committee term XI on proactively responding to climate change, strengthening resource management and environmental protection, the Law on Environmental Protection 2020, necessary environmental procedures for investment projects, tourism service establishments, hotels, restaurants, tourist areas and attractions, regulations on waste classification at source, wastewater treatment, air and noise environment management...

In recent times, Ben Tre city is a locality with a very fast growth rate in tourism services with the total number of tourism businesses and tourist attractions accounting for nearly 50% of the entire province. Environmental protection is important not only for tourism but more importantly for social life, and is an important criterion for tourists to choose when traveling locally. Through training, it helps businesses understand central and local regulations to do well, correctly and fully comply with environmental regulations. At the same time, it helps cultural officials in charge of tourism to master policies and regulations to promptly guide tourism businesses to properly implement regulations on environmental protection.

It is known that after Ben Tre city, units will continue to coordinate to train to raise awareness of environmental protection in tourism activities in Thanh Phu district.

News, photos: Thanh Dong

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