Meeting to discuss solutions to build and exploit the Thom River coconut floating market tourist route

13/09/2023 859 2
Ngày 11-9-2023, Sở Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch, UBND huyện Mỏ Cày Nam tổ chức cuộc họp trao đổi giải pháp xây dựng và khai thác tuyến du lịch chợ nổi dừa sông Thom gắn với làng nghề khai thác chế biến dừa và Di tích Quốc gia đặc biệt Đồng Khởi. Buổi làm việc có sự tham dự của đại diện các sở, ngành, chính quyền địa phương liên quan, các hợp tác xã của huyện Mỏ Cày Nam, các doanh nghiệp du lịch trên địa bàn tỉnh.

Leaders of departments, branches and People's Committee of Mo Cay Nam district chaired a discussion on solutions to build and exploit the Thom River coconut floating market tourist route.

At the meeting, representatives of local tourism businesses introduced tourism products and tour routes being exploited. The Tourism Promotion Information Center introduces tourism products being exploited on the Thom River coconut floating market tourist route.

Thom River Coconut Floating Market is located about 7km from the center of Mo Cay town, in An Thanh commune, Mo Cay Nam district and Khanh Thanh Tan commune, Mo Cay Bac district. On both sides of the Thom River, there are many establishments that process and process coconuts, making many unique products from coconuts such as: dried coconut meat, coconut fiber, coconut shell charcoal, clean soil from coconut peat, coconut oil, coconut candies, coconut fiber mats, coconut handicraft products... The coconut floating market on the Thom River is known as the only coconut floating market in the West because the main products are coconuts and coconut products.

However, according to the district's assessment, the district's tourism potential has not been fully exploited. Means, resources and materials to serve tourists meet the needs but do not meet the required standards. The tourist attractions formed are still spontaneous, small-scale, the transportation infrastructure does not meet the requirements of tourism development, which cannot retain long-term tourists, and there is a lack of dining, entertainment, entertainment, and shopping spots to serve tourists.

Delegates discussed solutions to build and exploit the Thom River coconut floating market tourist route.

Suggesting solutions to build and exploit this tourist route, representatives of tourism businesses and related units said that it is necessary to invest in rural transport infrastructure, paying attention to environmental issues in the locality. Especially, it is necessary to identify specific tourists to build systematic tourism products, design destinations, dining, shopping more carefully...

Vice Chairman of Mo Cay Nam District People's Committee Nguyen Viet Thanh said: The district People's Committee assigned the People's Committees of relevant communes to coordinate with tourism businesses to survey coconut processing sites in the area that are qualified to welcome tourists. Regarding environmental issues, it is recommended that communes review livestock households in the Thom River area to handle the environment. Assign the District Department of Culture and Information to be the focal point to connect with businesses to handle tasks that fall within the responsibilities of state management agencies and businesses, while continuing to mobilize people to participate in effective exploitation. The effectiveness of tourism activities on the Thom River coconut floating market route.

News and photos: Thanh Dong

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