Phu Khanh is organizing the inauguration ceremony for the Community Tourism Development Team

13/06/2023 1397 0
Ngày 12/6/2023 tại Trung tâm Văn hoá - Thể thao và Học tập cộng đồng xã Phú Khánh tổ chức lễ ra mắt Tổ phát triển du lịch xã Phú Khánh. Tham dự có ông Trương Thanh Hải - UV BTV, Phó Chủ tịch HĐND huyện; ông Nguyễn Văn Tưởng - HUV, Trưởng phòng Văn hoá - Thông tin huyện; bà Ngô Thị Cúc, Bí thư Đảng ủy; ông Nguyễn Trường An - Phó bí thư, Chủ tịch UBND xã, cùng các đồng chí đại diện các ngành đoàn thể, bí thư chi bộ, trưởng ấp các ấp và sự có mặt của các thành viên của Tổ phát triển du lịch xã.


The ceremony was held to announce the Decision and launch the Community Tourism Development Team, along with the draft of the Phú Khánh Community Tourism Development Plan and the assignment board detailing tasks for each team member of the Tourism Development Team, visiting actual tourist spots in the commune.

The main tasks of the ceremony were to launch the Phú Khánh Commune Tourism Development Team, define key tourism types for the locality, mobilize local businesses and producers capable of developing tourism to participate in building tourism models, and enhance community tourism promotion through channels like Facebook, Zalo, and online platforms. Vận động hộ kinh doanh, sản xuất có khả năng phát triển du lịch tham gia xây dựng mô hình du lịch; Đẩy mạnh công tác tuyên truyền du lịch xã qua các kênh facebook, zalo, trang thông tin điện tử…

* The content of the commune's tourism development efforts typically includes:

- The Commune Tourism Development Team collaborates effectively with related sectors to conduct comprehensive planning to connect and integrate with the district's tourism development project. This aims to create a sustainable development area within the commune, focusing on:

Eco-tourism development, agricultural tourism (Starfruit orchards in Phu Loi - Phu Hoa, fruit gardens in Phu Hoa, greenhouse farming model in Phu Loi).
Cultural and historical tourism development (Ancient tomb cluster in Huong Liem, ancestral temple in Phu Hoa, Memorial monument where the first party cell of Thanh Phu district was established in Phu Long Phung A).

- At the same time, there is a focus on enhancing propaganda efforts to raise awareness throughout the political system, viewing tourism as a comprehensive service economic sector. This includes boosting information dissemination through radio broadcasts, organizing seminars, and specialized conferences on tourism development to shape local perceptions and influence community thinking towards establishing tourism models in the area.

- Attention is focused on mobilizing organizations, individuals, especially travel companies within the province, to collaborate in developing and creating specialized tourism tours and products in the local community.

- Surveying households with the potential for tourism development, selecting teams and families to participate, and identifying locations to implement community tourism development models within the area.

- Identifying and prioritizing distinctive tourism products, combining the restoration and development of traditional craft villages to serve visitors for shopping, experiencing alongside locals. Emphasis is placed on facilitating the development of quality dining services, focusing on traditional flavors.

- Prioritizing the development of a smooth, green, clean, beautiful, and safe transportation system; focusing on upgrading and maintaining well the inter-village roads. Enhancing efforts to encourage residents along main roads to plant ornamental flowers and regularly clean up the surroundings of their living environment.

- Utilize funding sources from the central, provincial, and district budgets to invest in the restoration and repair of cultural works and historical sites. Additionally, regularly maintain and upgrade existing monuments and sites to ensure aesthetic appeal and visitor-friendliness for tourism needs.

- Coordinate with relevant departments to organize training courses and skill enhancement for tourism professionals and workers engaged in the tourism sector. This includes training tour guides and narrators to serve at tourist sites and historical-cultural relics within the commune.

Mr. Trương Thanh Hải, Vice Chairman of the District People's Council, attended the launch event of the Tourism Development Team and provided the following directions:

- The tourism team needs to define key tourism types and allocate tasks to each member.
- Mobilize businesses and producers capable of developing tourism to participate in constructing tourism models.
- Enhance tourism promotion through channels like Facebook, Zalo, and electronic information portals.
- Improve cleanliness, aesthetics, and accessibility of destinations to create attractive landscapes for tourists.
- Coordinate to organize training sessions and skill enhancement for tourism professionals and workers in the tourism sector.
- Up to now, Thanh Phu district has 02 tourism development groups including Dai Dien commune and Phu Khanh commune.

Source: Phu Khanh Commune

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