Sông Thom Floating Coconut Market - A Unique Riverside Market

12/06/2023 1453 0
Du khách gần xa trong cả nước hầu hết chỉ biết đến chợ nổi Cái Răng, Cần Thơ hay chợ nổi Cái Bè, Tiền Giang, ít ai biết đến chợ nổi Dừa Sông Thom.

Where is the Sông Thom Floating Coconut Market?

Located about 7 km from the center of Mỏ Cày town, the floating coconut market is situated on the Sông Thom River, spanning the areas of An Thạnh and Khánh Thạnh Tân communes, across both Mỏ Cày Nam and Mỏ Cày Bắc districts.

How to Get to the Floating Coconut Market

Visitors can reach the floating market by various means such as motorbike, car, boat, or even canoe. However, the most enjoyable way to experience it is by boat. Traveling to the floating market by boat offers a unique experience and leaves visitors with unforgettable memories.

Floating along the river from the center of Mỏ Cày town to the floating  coconut market takes about 20 minutes towards the Cổ Chiên River. Visitors can enjoy the cool breeze from the river, take photos of the water coconut trees, and experience picking bần fruit along the way.

Photo of Tourists Visiting Sông Thom River

Best Time to Visit the Floating Coconut Market

To experience the bustling atmosphere of the floating coconut market, visitors should arrive early in the morning during high tide or in the late afternoon as dusk falls. The market is most lively in the morning, making it the perfect time for capturing beautiful photos and experiencing the vibrant atmosphere of a traditional "craft village." Along the riverbanks, you will see numerous coconut fiber processing facilities, coconut peeling, and coconut meat scraping operations, with hundreds of workers busily engaged in their tasks. Witness the sunrise over Thom Bridge, starting your day with the familiar sounds of boat engines and the waves lapping against the shore, awakening the hustle and bustle of the craft village.

Early Morning Coconut Activities on Thom River

For those who enjoy tranquility and peace, visiting the floating market in the afternoon offers a chance to observe the daily lives of people on boats, a distinctive feature of the Southwest region. Watching the sunrise over Thom River and immersing yourself in the life of families living on the water, as the twinkling lights illuminate the riverbanks, marks the beginning of the evening shift for the bustling workers.

What Makes the Floating Coconut Market Special

Unlike Other Floating Markets, the Floating Coconut Market Sells Only Coconuts and Coconut Products

Hundreds of boats from various communes, districts, and even provinces gather here to trade and sell coconuts and coconut coir products.

On the river, it's all about coconuts, while along the riverbanks are villages dedicated to coconut coir production and peeling coconuts. Visitors can have an unforgettable experience using a coconut spear and peeling coconuts, which feels like an adventurous game.

Coconut Activities  Photo on Thom River

The Floating Coconut Market is a fascinating destination. When visiting Ben Tre or Mo Cay Nam, don't miss the chance to experience the unique aspects of this floating market.

Thu Suong

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