Potential for Tourism Development in Mo Cay Nam

09/06/2023 1106 0
Về huyện Mỏ Cày Nam, dải đất này nằm giữa hai con sông Hàm Luông và Cổ Chiên, chạy dài hơn 70 km ra Biển Đông. Trên địa bàn huyện, có quốc lộ 57 và quốc lộ 60 đi qua, tạo thuận lợi cho Mỏ Cày Nam trong liên kết vùng, kết nối với các địa phương trong và ngoài tỉnh, phát triển các lĩnh vực kinh tế - xã hội.

After implementing Plan No. 78-KH/HU dated October 20, 2017, by the District Party Committee regarding the execution of Action Program No. 22-CTr/TU and Resolution No. 08-NQ/TW on developing tourism as a key economic sector, the district has established 11 tourist sites attracting a significant number of visitors.

Key Historical Sites:
Đồng Khởi National Special Relic Site: The site of the historic Đồng Khởi uprising on January 17, 1960.
Tuyên Linh Pagoda National Relic Site: The residence and workplace of Nguyễn Sinh Sắc, President Ho Chi Minh’s father, who also practiced medicine here.
Other Tourist Attractions:
Thom River Coconut Floating Market
Thành Long Islet Ecotourism Area
Tuyết Phụng Coconut Candy Production Facility
An Định Communal House and Boat Building Village
Handicraft Production from Coconut Shells
Bamboo and Rattan Cooperative
Green Skin Pomelo Cooperative
Organic Coconut Gardens
Infrastructure and Services:
Significant improvements in tourism infrastructure.
Enhanced focus on the quality of tourism services and products.
Mo Cay Nam welcomes approximately 150,000 visitors annually.
Development of tourist sites is geared towards sustainable tourism.
Tourism Development Initiatives:
Establishment of a Tourism Development Steering Committee in the district.
Implementation of various tourism promotion strategies.
Development of a district tourism website.

However, the tourism potential of the district has not been fully exploited. The coordination in developing tourism plans is progressing slowly, and there is inadequate management of pricing for tourism products. The transportation, resources, and facilities for serving tourists are insufficient, lacking professionalism and facing many difficulties.

Current tourist attractions still exhibit spontaneous development and are small in scale. The transportation infrastructure does not meet the demands of tourism development, and environmental hygiene remains inadequate. There are limited options for long-term accommodation and insufficient dining options suitable for tourists. Especially lacking are nighttime entertainment, recreational activities, and shopping services to cater to tourists.

This indicates that there is much work to be done to improve the quality and attract tourists to Mỏ Cày Nam district.
Chairman of the People's Committee of Mo Cay Nam district, Vo Van Ut, stated that the district is making efforts to promote planning activities to formally launch the Coconut Village project on Thom River, and to develop a residential area linked with eco-tourism at Con Thanh Long. Regarding the Dong Khoi Historical Site, there are plans to establish a 40-hectare complex of historical relics, aiming to attract investment for tourism development. Proposals have been made for related sectors to support local initiatives in promotion, inviting partnerships with businesses, and developing river tourism tours on Thom River.
Currently, Mo Cay Nam district is actively seeking practical solutions to develop local tourism products that cater to visitors. These efforts include enhancing investment attraction in traditional values, portraying the heroic spirit of the Long-haired Army in the historic Dong Khoi uprising. Additionally, leveraging natural resources to develop community-based tourism specific to the locality is emphasized. There is a focus on promoting the value chains of coconut trees and integrating beauty and health care products. This approach aims to develop beauty and wellness tourism, fostering community-based tourism products that are distinct within the region or cluster. Enhancing the tourism skills and capabilities of the local community is also a priority, alongside addressing local employment needs.

With these inherent values and potentials, Mo Cay Nam district is poised to strengthen its tourism sector in the coming years. The homeland of Dong Khoi will adopt a new image, attracting an increasing number of domestic and international tourists.

Cam Lynh

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