The sustainable development direction of craft village tourism

08/06/2023 1022 0
Du lịch nông thôn (trong đó có du lịch làng nghề) đã được đưa vào Chương trình mục tiêu quốc gia xây dựng nông thôn mới giai đoạn 2021-2025, với những mức hỗ trợ phát triển sản phẩm du lịch như: Hỗ trợ không quá 100 triệu đồng/điểm du lịch cho các hoạt động khảo sát, tư vấn xây dựng, phát triển sản phẩm du lịch; hỗ trợ dưới 60 triệu đồng/hộ gia đình để mua sắm trang thiết bị ban đầu phục vụ khách du lịch (homestay); Hỗ trợ 40 triệu đồng/thôn, xóm, bản mua sắm bộ nhạc cụ, trang phục truyền thống,...

The famous saying 'Mo Cay market has renowned coconut candies' has been passed down through generations, as coconuts in Mo Cay, particularly in Ben Tre province, are known for their distinctive sweet and clear taste, making them the best ingredient for candy production. And 'Tuyet Phung Coconut Candy' by Tuyet Phung Coconut Candy Co., Ltd. in Mo Cay town, Mo Cay Nam district, is considered the originator of this specialty.

The delegation visited the Tuyet Phung coconut candy production facility

It is known that Tuyet Phung Coconut Candy production started in 1976. Over nearly 40 years of formation and development, Tuyet Phung Coconut Candy Co., Ltd. has firmly established its brand and position in the market. The company's product range has expanded and diversified significantly with good quality, including coconut candy, banana-coconut candy, milk puff cake, and mangosteen-coconut candy.

Currently, the company produces nearly 1 ton of various candies each day. Since 2005, Tuyet Phung Coconut Candy Co., Ltd. has registered the exclusive trademark "Kẹo dừa Tuyết Phụng" (Tuyet Phung Coconut Candy) and has been steadily improving the quality of its products. According to Ms. Pham Thi Tuyet Trang, the owner of the enterprise, her mother was the first person to independently research and develop this coconut candy. Initially, the candy was only used as a gift for neighbors and relatives during traditional festivals, but later gained popularity due to its distinctive sweet, rich flavor, and aromatic scent.

It is fascinating when visiting the production workshop to witness firsthand the manufacturing process, processing, and packaging. Visitors also get to directly taste the flavor of freshly made batches of coconut candy to fully experience its warm, chewy, and aromatic qualities. Coconut candy has long been a signature delicacy that visitors cannot miss when bringing gifts for their loved ones from the land of coconut, Bến Tre.

In recent years, the eco-tourism brand "Ecological Water Region of the Coconut Land" in Bến Tre has been affirmed and increasingly attracts tourists from both domestic and international markets such as the UK, France, and the USA. Many tourists enjoy experiencing and learning about the coconut candy production process in the traditional coconut candy villages of Bến Tre. These villages are characterized by their humanitarian values, rich cultural heritage of the coconut land, and the simple, rustic lifestyle of the locals.

The development of craft village tourism not only improves the livelihoods of local residents but also contributes to the economic growth of the province while preserving and promoting traditional cultural values.

Hoa Mai

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