Recognizing the 10 outstanding tourist destinations in the Mekong Delta in 2023

05/06/2023 2494 0
Hiệp hội Du lịch ÐBSCL vừa tiến hành bình chọn, công nhận và tái công nhận các “Ðiểm du lịch tiêu biểu ÐBSCL” tại 7 tỉnh, thành ÐBSCL, báo Cần Thơ đưa tin.
The Mekong Delta Tourism Association has just conducted the voting, recognition, and re-certification of the "Prominent Tourist Destinations in the Mekong Delta" in 7 provinces and cities of the Mekong Delta region, as reported by Can Tho newspaper

Hai Van farm tourist destination - Vam Ho bird sanctuary. Photo: Hai Van Farm Fanpage - Vam Ho Bird Sanctuary

According to Can Tho newspaper, the 10 newly recognized "Prominent Tourist Destinations in the Mekong Delta 2023" by the Mekong Delta Tourism Association include: Tra Su Melaleuca forest ecological tourist site (An Giang) Noc Nang historical national relic (Bac Lieu) Nguyen Dinh Chieu's tomb and memorial site, a special national historical relic (Ben Tre) Hai Van Farm - Vam Ho Bird Garden tourist site (Ben Tre) TTC Palace Ben Tre (Ben Tre) TTC Ben Tre culinary area (Ben Tre) Hung King Temple in Can Tho City (Can Tho) Go Thap archaeological site (Dong Thap) Ba Om Pond national scenic landscape monument area (Dong Thap) Huynh Kha ecological tourism area (Tra Vinh)

The four recognized points are Gao Giong eco-tourism area (Dong Thap); Professor - Academician Tran Dai Nghia Memorial Site; Văn Thánh Miếu Vĩnh Long (Văn Thánh Temple) and Vinh Long Museum, all located in Vinh Long Province.

Gao Giong eco-tourism area (Dong Thap). Photo: Khuong Nhut Minh​​​​​​​

So far, the Association of Mekong Delta Tourism has recognized 53 "Prominent Tourism Sites of the Mekong Delta"

According to the Electronic Information Portal of the Mekong Delta Tourism Association, the "Prominent Tourism Sites of the Mekong Delta" are surveyed and voted based on specific criteria for each category, including: comprehensive tourism sites; cultural and historical relics; public constructions; architectural art constructions; national parks, ecological gardens; ecological tourism areas; accommodation facilities; and traditional craft villages serving tourism. These destinations are surveyed and voted on every 3 years.

The recognition of "Prominent Tourism Sites of the Mekong Delta" helps tourists conveniently choose safe, friendly, and high-quality destinations, contributing positively to building the tourism brand of the region.


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