Exciting Photo Contests in Ben Tre

30/04/2023 1136 0
In order to increase tourist attraction through media, in which image is considered the most important and effective factor. Through images, we will introduce the beauty of culture, cuisine, people, natural resources, typical products, etc. bringing the unique culture of each locality to domestic and foreign tourists.​

The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism organized 02 photo contests to encourage people and tourists participate to fully express the vitality of the land and people of Ben Tre, bringing a new breeze to tourists, in addition to preserving memories; spreading to life the purest values of the land with full of good trees and sweet fruits thru these interesting contests.

Ben Tre Smile

Ben Tre Smile is a photo contest organized within the framework of check-in and voting activities for tourists when visiting Ben Tre on Ben Tre smart travel app https://bentretourism.vn.

The "Ben Tre Smile" photo contest on the Ben Tre Tourism app aims to build a key mark of "Smile" for Ben Tre tourism, spreading the message of Safety - Friendliness - Quality under the Tourism brand "River Ecology of Coconut Land”. From there, helping tourists and people of Ben Tre experience the satisfaction and memories with trips through "Smile" photos when coming to Ben Tre.

The 2023 Ben Tre Smile beautiful photo contest accepts all genuine photos of life, landscape and people of Ben Tre. Participants: organizations and individuals who are Vietnamese citizens, Vietnamese resettling abroad and foreigners working and living in Vietnam, no age limit. The participants register by creating an account and participate in the contest on the Ben Tre province tourism portal (https://bentretourism.vn/vi/album) or the Ben Tre smart tourism application (Ben Tre Tourism APP), go to the "Ben Tre Smile" category, click on the create album button and upload photos.

Photos participating in the cotest will be voted online on htttps://bentretourism.vn. Every month, the Organizing Committee will select the top ten beautiful pictures to award (each prize is 500,000 VND).

Beautiful photos of Ben Tre tourism in 2023

In order to record vivid moments in the series of activities of the Culture - Sports - Beach Tourism Week of Thanh Phu district in 2023, thereby introducing and promoting the potential and unique and attractive cultural values, outstanding value of Ben Tre province's marine tourism resources through visual images; to attracting tourists to coastal districts to visit and experience. Introducing the image of the land and people of the coastal region, socio-economic achievements, tourism potential, historical and cultural destinations, changes in the appearance of coastal districts in Ben Tre in the context of the new situation, in preserving and promoting cultural values, ethics, lifestyle,...

CAC CUOC THI ANH TAI BEN TRE 2023 - 3042023.jpg

Ben Tre tourism photo contest 2023 (Photo: http://bienbentre.vietnamphotocenter.com/)

Photos can be taken with professional cameras or other photography equipment. They can be single photos, color or black and white, taken in the coastal districts of Ben Tre province, have not won prizes and showed in exhibitions in competitions from the provincial level upward. Contest pictures are composed using the method Realistic, not collaged. The author can use image processing software to crop, adjust color, and lightness. The Organizing Committee has the right to request the author to provide original image files if needed. The photos must have value in terms of conceptual content, ensure cultural standards and be consistent with the fine customs and traditions of the Vietnamese people.

Visitors can find more information, rules and prizes via the website: http://bienbentre.vietnamphotocenter.com.

It can be seen that Ben Tre is currently focusing on promoting communication, introducing and promoting the province's tourism images through mass media, photo contests and increasing digital transferring in tourism so that Ben Tre's image becomes closer to tourists and residents. It brings in the hope in the coming time, Ben Tre tourism will develop into a key economic sector of the province by 2030 in line with the spirit of Resolution No. 08 of the Politburo and the Resolution of the 11th Provincial Party Congress, term 2020 – 2025, has proposed./.

Bao Tram

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