Thanh Phu: exciting Culture - Sports - Beach Tourism Week 2023

26/04/2023 1866 0
On the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the liberation of the South and unification of the country (April 30, 1975 - April 30, 2023) and the 137th anniversary of International Labor Day (May 1, 1886 - May 1, 2023 ); With the consent of the People's Committee of Ben Tre province, Thanh Phu district organizes Culture - Sports - Beach Tourism Week in Thanh Phu district, 2023 with the theme "Thanh Phu beach tourism links and develops" takes place from April 27, 2023 to May 2, 2023 at the Conservation Area, embellishing and promoting the value of the historical Ho Chi Minh Trail on the sea.


​Thanh Phu Culture - Sports - Beach Tourism Week, 2023 (Photo: Provided by the Organizer)

Culture - Sports - Beach Tourism Week of Thanh Phu district, 2023 is a cultural - economic - social event, aiming to introduce, promote, stimulate tourism, and attract tourists to Ben Tre province, including Thanh Phu district . Organizing this Culture - Sports - Marine Tourism Week is an opportunity for Thanh Phu district to introduce and promote unique and attractive cultural values and outstanding values of marine tourism resources; create a sustainable tourism development link between Thanh Phu district and other districts in the province and neighboring provinces.

Coming to Thanh Phu on this holiday, visitors will be able to participate and immerse themselves in many attractive activities such as: trade, exhibitions, seafood cuisine, Famtrip, seminars, inauguration of cultural works; competitions, performances, and entertainment activities. Visitors have the opportunity to experience sea cuisine and dishes from the river region of the Southwest and traditional sea dishes made from seafood, specialties of Thanh Phu district. Let's visit and experience the legendary road in the resistance war against the US: Ho Chi Minh Trail on the sea - the bridgehead to receive Northern weapons to support the Southern battlefield, visit Ba Chua Xu Temple, visit Ong Nam Hai's mausoleum,...In addition, cultural and artistic competitions, kite flying days, sports activities, and folk games will be held throughout the week, at Con Bung Beach.



HAI SAN THANH PHU 2023 - 2.jpg 

Fun activities and enjoying seafood at Thanh Phu beach (photo P.D)

Thanh Phu in April is waiting for visitors with cool sea water, long sandy beaches, admiring the charming scenery of rows of poplars swaying in the wind, listening to the whispering sound of ocean waves,... like a lovely message and invitation./.

Kieu Duyen

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