Music composition camp about Ben Tre Smile - Spreading love for people, love for Dong Khoi homeland

12/04/2023 1101 0
(DNTO) - Musicians Vo Dang Tin, Nhat Sinh, Le Van Loc, Khanh Vinh, Nhut Phuong, Vo Hoai Phuc, Cao Viet... recently had an experiential trip to historical and cultural sites in Ben Tre, looking for materials to compose a musical work to introduce the Ben Tre Smile 2023 photo contest to the public.

Group of new and ancient music musicians living in Ho Chi Minh City and Ben Tre: Vo Dang Tin, Nhat Sinh, Le Van Loc, Khanh Vinh, Nhut Phuong, Vo Hoai Phuc, Cao Viet, Le Phuc, Quoc Nam, Minh Thuan, Vo Thanh Son... had the opportunity to visit famous tourist and cultural sites in Ben Tre such as: Dong Khoi Relics, Vam Ho Bird Sanctuary, Huynh Phu Ancient House, Reception Bridgehead Relics North-South weapons, An Binh island, Son Doc puff pastry village, An Thanh coconut handicraft village, Cai Mon ornamental and seedlings garden.

Many musicians had expressed their feelings of joy and excitement when having the opportunity to come back and see that the appearance and life of the coconut people have changed a lot after many years. Musician Vo Dang Tin, a son of his hometown of Ben Tre, coming back to his hometown, he felt like he was breathing fresh air and reliving memories of his youth.

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The delegation of musicians, journalists, photographers... visited Vam Ho tourist area, Ba Tri district.

Musician Vo Hoai Phuc said that after 22 years, since he was a volunteer member in the 2001 Green Summer, he had the opportunity to return to Ben Tre. The trip made him excited, so he quickly arranged his work to visit the land where he had many beautiful impressions... For musician Nhat Sinh, he could not miss this opportunity because of his love for his homeland, the land of coconuts, and many unforgettable emotions by many friends here.

"Returning to Ben Tre this time, I feel excited because I realize that Ben Tre has many certain changes, which are also the construction efforts of everyone. Traveling on the roads which has been done by everyone’s contribution. Everyone wants to rebuild their homeland, I'm very grateful. This trip will definitely inspire me to compose new compositions to Ben Tre" musician Le Van Loc felt when he saw Ben Tre, even though people's lives are still difficult but in his eyes, the Dong Khoi hometown, a peaceful and clean and beautiful countryside, has been changed positively.

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On the ferry to An Binh Island, Ba Tri District.

According to Mr. Nguyen Van Ban, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Ben Tre province, through this Music Composition Camp, the organizers want the composers and musicians to feel about the people and the Ben Tre Smile. That is the smile that shows optimism, love of life, and friendliness. Musicians will have their own feelings, nuances, and joys about the people of Ben Tre, especially the smiles expressed through musical compositions, thereby spreading to the public and tourists to understand more about a friendly, hospitable coconut homeland.

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Visiting Cho Lach Ornamental Flower Village.

The program is part of the activities of the Ben Tre Smile Music Composition Camp, organized by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Ben Tre from April 7 - 9, to find inspiration for composing new and ancient music to spread to the public. This is also an activity aimed at forming the Ben Tre tourism brand, with the image of a smile transferring the message "Ben Tre - a safe, friendly, quality destination" to tourists.

Previously, the Ben Tre Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has deployed a plan to organize the beautiful photo contest "Ben Tre Smile" in 2023 on the Ben Tre Tourism smart tourism application

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Visiting ancient houses in Thanh Phu District​​​​​​​

Accordingly, residents and tourists (inside and outside the province, without age limit) can share beautiful moments in daily life or during tours in Ben Tre on the Ben Tre Toursim application (website platform or mobile phone app).

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The organizers opened the Music Composition Camp in Ben Tre province.​​​​​​​

Photos participating in each month will also be voted online at the application periodically from the 1st to the 10th every month and the monthly results will be announced on the 15th of the adjacent month. Photos that win monthly votes will be eligible to vote for quarterly and final awards of the year.

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Enjoy cool, sweet coconut drink.​​​​​​​

Through that, we help tourists and people of Ben Tre experience satisfaction and happiness through "Smile" when traveling to Ben Tre. Concurrently saving commemorative photos and updating them in the Ben Tre beautiful photo database for exhibition and publish to promote provincial tourism.


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