Preliminary Conference on 02 years of implementing and signing the tourism development agreement in Mo Cay Bac district (2021-2022)

10/04/2023 1078 0
On March 28, 2023, the District Party Committee and People's Committee of Mo Cay Bac district held a preliminary conference to summarize 02 years of implementing and signing a contract to develop tourism in Mo Cay Bac district for the period 2021-2022 at Ut River Cuisine Facility. Huong belongs to My Son Dong hamlet, Phu My commune.

Attending the Conference, there were provincial representatives Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung - Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Mr. Tran Duy Phuong - Chairman of Ben Tre Provincial Tourism Association; representative of the Tourism Management Department and the Tourism Promotion Information Center. On the leadership side of Mo Cay Bac district were Mr. Nguyen Van Trung - Secretary of the District Party Committee, Chairman of the District People's Council; Mr. Nguyen Trung Nghiep - Vice Chairman of the District People's Committee; together with leaders of district agencies and departments; Commune People's Committee representative; businesses and tourism service establishments; households engaged in tourism activities in the district.

Delegates attending the Conference

Conference reported the results of implementing Plan No. 1019/KH-UBND dated June 2, 2021 of the District People's Committee on concretizing the Resolution on tourism development of Mo Cay Bac district for the period 2020-2025 and orientation by 2030; tourism development agreement between the District People's Committee, sectors and 13 communes in the district. Thereby evaluating the district's tourism development situation in recent times, promoting favorable factors, solution to overcome the limitations and difficulties, and providing orientations and solutions for tourism development consistent with the reality of the district in the coming time.

After 2 years of implementing the tourism development plan, Mo Cay Bac tourism has gradually prospered and got certain achievements. Many new attractions have been formed such as: Nam Ham Luong Homestay, Huy Hoang ecological garden fishing spot, Ut Huong Riverside Cuisine Facility... Worship facilities and provincial-level relics have been restored and renovated. A number of establishments and traditional craft villages are also gradually formed and developed such as: Seedling and ornamental flower craft village in Phu My commune; Khanh Thanh Tan coconut fiber; establishment producing candy and handicrafts from coconut in Thanh Ngai commune; establishment producing coconut broom bundles, stem baskets in Thanh An commune... In 2022, Mo Cay Bac district welcomed nearly 5,000 tourists, including 1,900 foreigners. Total revenue from tourism in 2022 is 3.5 billion VND.

Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung spoke at the Conference.​​​​​​​

Besides the achievements, District Tourism also faces some difficulties such as: limited investment capital; Infrastructure is not synchronized; Restaurant and hotel services for tourists do not meet the needs; human resources for tourism are still weak... Sharing opinions at the Conference, Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung said that in parallel with the development of the transportation system, in the coming time the district should pay attention and plan, improving water transportation, wharfs to develop tourist routes; maintain and develop the ability to link and connect inter-commune and inter-district tourism routes, develop 1 OCOP product per commune; apply the maximum resources for tourism activities; deploying communication and tourism promotion on smart tourism applications.


With the district's existing tourism potentials and strengths, the efforts of the local government, and the coordination between tourism businesses and tourism households in the area, it is believed that in the coming time, tourism will Mo Cay Bac will have great developments, contributing an important part to the overall economic development of the entire district./.

Minh Tien

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