Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Ben Tre - Preparations for "Culture - Sports and Sea Tourism Week - 2023"

13/02/2023 1975 0
Sở Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch phối hợp với UBND huyện Thạnh Phú, Ba Tri và Bình Đại triển khai xây dựng dự thảo kế hoạch tổ chức Tuần lễ Văn hóa - Thể thao và Du lịch Biển tỉnh Bến Tre năm 2023 với chủ đề “Du lịch Biển Bến Tre - An toàn, Thân thiện, Chất lượng” tại Khu bảo tồn, tôn tạo và phát huy giá trị di tích lịch sử đường Hồ Chí Minh trên biển và khuôn viên Lăng Ông Nam Hải thuộc ấp Thạnh Hải, xã Thạnh Hải, huyện Thạnh Phú. Thời gian khai mạc Tuần lễ Văn hóa - Thể thao và Du lịch Biển năm 2023 dự kiến diễn ra vào ngày 27/4/2023 và kết thúc vào ngày 02/5/2023.​


Field survey team
On February 7, 2023, the working group of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism along with leaders of 03 coastal districts of Binh Dai, Ba Tri and Thanh Phu had a survey trip to Wind Power Plant No. preserve, restore and promote the value of the historical Ho Chi Minh Trail on the sea in Thanh Hai commune to prepare for the organization of the Culture - Sports and Marine Tourism Week of Ben Tre province in 2023. After the survey Police, the Department's working group held a meeting and agreed with the districts to organize the 2023 Sea Culture - Sports and Tourism Week on a provincial scale, hosted by Thanh Phu district, and the duration of the event. The event coincides with the Hung King's death anniversary on March 10, Southern Liberation Day on April 30 and International Labor Day on May 1.
The plan to organize this event will have many activities taking place such as Trade fair display and exhibition; space to introduce culture, tourism and artistic photos; display and introduce products meeting OCOP standards and typical agricultural products; introducing marine cuisine and Southern cuisine; Organize Famtrip groups to visit, experience, and introduce tours; Conference on investment promotion and tourism development cooperation; "Sea Beauty" festival in Ben Tre province expanded; along with many other cultural, artistic and physical training and sports activities.


Overview of the working session

Ben Tre Province Culture - Sports and Marine Tourism Week 2023 is a cultural - economic - social event, aiming to introduce, promote, stimulate tourism, and attract tourists to Ben Tre to visit. Explore and experience tourism towards the East of Ben Tre in Thanh Phu - Ba Tri - Binh Dai districts with unique, attractive cultural values ​​and outstanding values ​​of tourism resources in coastal districts. Thereby, ensuring the implementation of the dual goal of "both socio-economic development and epidemic prevention", contributing to the recovery and development of tourism in 2023 and the following years. At the same time, affirming tourism Ben Tre Beach is a safe, attractive, friendly and hospitable destination.

In 2018, Thanh Phu district also coordinated with the Province to organize the Thanh Phu Culture - Tourism - Sea Cuisine Week, with the theme "Discovering Thanh Phu Beach Tourism" with the participation of travel businesses, Commercial enterprises inside and outside the province, the week takes place with many attractive and exciting activities, attracting many visitors to visit and experience. Hopefully, this event will help Ben Tre tourism, especially Eastbound tourism have a breakthrough, making the Ben Tre beach tourism brand more attractive and increasingly popular./.
Minh Tien

Minh Tien

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