Building tourism products with characteristics of 'Ben Tre Coconut Land'

16/01/2023 1520 0
Theo Giám đốc Sở Văn hóa, Thể thao và Du lịch Bến Tre Nguyễn Văn Bàn, dự báo năm 2023, hoạt động du lịch của tỉnh tiếp tục phục hồi theo hướng tích cực. Năm 2023, tỉnh đặt mục tiêu đón 1.451.000 lượt khách, trong đó khách quốc tế 334.000 lượt; tổng doanh thu từ du lịch đạt 1.647 tỷ đồng.


Tourists experience boating on the Ben Tre river in Nghenh Xuan Farm resort, Phuoc Le Hamlet, Thanh Trieu Commune, Chau Thanh District (Ben Tre). Photo: Hong Dat/TTXVN

Mr. Nguyen Van Ban said that to achieve the set goal, in 2023, the tourism industry will focus on exploiting the domestic tourist market, gradually attracting more and more international visitors to return. At the same time, the industry continues to propagate and raise awareness of all levels, branches and localities that tourism is an integrated, interdisciplinary and inter-regional economic sector.

The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism continues to coordinate with relevant units to implement the contents of approved tourism development programs, projects and plans such as Action Program No. 22-CTr /TU of the Provincial Party Committee and Plan No. 4573/KH-UBND of the Provincial People's Committee on developing tourism to become a key economic sector; Project No. 02-DA/TU of the Provincial Party Committee, Plan No. 3706/KH-UBND of the Provincial People's Committee on tourism development until 2030. Thereby, gradually turning Ben Tre into an eco-tourism for tourists to experience attractive cultural experience, ideal short-term vacation.

Along with that, the province attracts investment in tourism technical facilities, builds specific tourism products with the characteristics of "Ben Tre Coconut Land", creating attractiveness, uniqueness, and unique local characteristics.

The province organizes training courses, training and fostering tourism skills according to the actual needs of tourism businesses; Community tourism classes for households who have the means or intend to do tourism; Training class to improve knowledge of state management of tourism for officials, civil servants and public employees in the province. Ben Tre continues to implement the plan to implement the cooperation program to develop tourism in Ho Chi Minh City and 13 provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta region for the period 2021-2025; Linkage and cooperation programs for tourism development with provinces and cities...

Mr. Vo Van Phong, Director of C2T Communications and Tourism One Member Limited Liability Company, Ben Tre City, said that to prepare for Quy Mao Tet tourism activities, the Company created new tourism products like "Eating Tet with the locals", enjoying and experiencing the Spring atmosphere in the last days of the year. The company also has nostalgic and memory tours for overseas Vietnamese from Ben Tre who have not returned home to celebrate the traditional Tet for many years. To date, more than 200 tourists have registered for the company's Tet tours.

In 2022, tourism activities in the country in general and Ben Tre in particular will have a strong recovery with positive signs, attracting tourists to visit and experience. In particular, Ben Tre province continues to improve and develop the main types and tourism products currently exploited and serving tourists such as: cultural and historical tourism products; ecological and community tourism products; marine tourism products, resorts, cuisine, health, conferences, seminars, and spirituality.

During the year, Ben Tre attracted 1,285,000 tourists (international visitors were estimated at 91,569), an increase of 5.4 times compared to the same period last year. Total revenue from tourism reached 1,558 billion VND, an increase of nearly 6 times over the same period in 2021.

Cong Tri (VNA)


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