Ba Tri district organizes learning experience in developing community tourism

21/10/2022 1342 0
Phát triển du lịch cộng đồng nhằm góp phần bảo tồn và phát huy các giá trị văn hóa, lịch sử truyền thống, phong tục, tập quán của người dân bản địa; bảo vệ môi trường sinh thái; đảm bảo an ninh trật tự, an toàn xã hội; nâng cao thu nhập và mức sống cho cộng đồng địa phương; xây dựng môi trường du lịch thân thiện gắn với chương trình phát triển du lịch nông thôn trong xây dựng nông thôn mới, chương trình mỗi xã một sản phẩm để giới thiệu, quảng bá, thu hút khách du lịch trong và ngoài nước.

Implement Plan No. 3434/KH-UBND dated October 3, 2022, of the People's Committee of Ba Tri district on sightseeing and learning experiences in community tourism development. The activity took place on October 13, 2022, with the participation of 30 people including leaders of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Tourism Management Department, Tourism Promotion Information Center under the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism; Leaders of the District Party Committee, District People's Committee, Department of Culture and Information, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Economics and Infrastructure, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Finance and Planning of Ba Tri district; Representatives of leaders and Cultural officials of An Hiep, Bao Thuan, An Thuy communes of Ba Tri district and representatives of cooperatives, organizations and individuals who have been, are and are planning to do tourism in the 03 areas An Hiep, Bao Thuan, An Thuy commune of Ba Tri district.

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The group learned experience at Homestay Con Ba Tu, Binh Dai district, Ben Tre province - Photo: NT

On the afternoon of October 13, 2022, the group was welcomed by Ms. Le Thi Kim Linh - the owner of Con Ba Tu homestay facility (Thoi Hoa 2 hamlet, Thoi Thuan commune, Binh Dai district, Ben Tre province) introduces, exchanges and guides about the model, how to operate a homestay, and management work. exploitation management, promotional information strategy... enthusiastically and in detail. After that, the group visited and experienced some of the activities and services here. The tourism model at Con Ba Tu Homestay is a successful model that will contribute to the orientation of exploiting community tourism products in Binh Dai district in particular and Ben Tre province in general in the future.

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Practical experience at Homestay Con Ba Tu - Photo: NT BA TRI HOC TAP MO HINH DLCD TAI GT - BD - 21102022 (5).jpg

The group took souvenir photos at Homestay Con Ba Tu - Photo: NT

On the same morning, the delegation from Ba Tri district also learned the community tourism model at Homestay Nha Nha Xu Department of Ben Tre (Maison Du Pays De Ben Tre), No. 239, Hamlet 1A, Thanh Phu Dong Commune, Giong Trom District, Ben Tre Province, owned by Mr. Quach Duy Thinh. This is also one of the new community tourism models formed in 2021 but has had successful development and needs to be replicated.BA TRI HOC TAP MO HINH DLCD TAI GT - BD - 21102022 (6).jpg

The group learns from experience at Homestay Nha Xua Ben Tre, Giong Trom district, BT Photo: DTBA TRI HOC TAP MO HINH DLCD TAI GT - BD - 21102022 (7).jpg

Practical experience at Ben Tre Country House Homestay - Photo: DTBA TRI HOC TAP MO HINH DLCD TAI GT - BD - 21102022 (1).jpg

The group took souvenir photos at Ben Tre Country House Homestay - Photo: DT

Organizing learning, sharing experiences to research, apply and renew In the business of serving tourists, it is necessary and needs to be done regularly. After this experiential learning trip, we hope that organizations and individuals who have been planning to do tourism in the three communes of An Hiep, Bao Thuan and An Thuy of Ba Tri district will be able to build their products. Tourism has its colour to bring visitors new and interesting experiences./.


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