Linking tourism development in Mekong Delta provinces with Ba Ria - Vung Tau

10/10/2022 1116 0
BDK.VN - Ngày 7-10-2022, tại Khu du lịch Cồn Phụng (Bến Tre), Hiệp hội Du lịch tỉnh Bà Rịa - Vũng Tàu tổ chức chương trình xúc tiến du lịch các tỉnh khu vực đồng bằng sông Cửu Long năm 2022.

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Discussion on the current status of human resources in the tourism industry after the current COVID-19 pandemic

TAttending the event were Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Tourism Association Vu Chan Hung, Chairman of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Ben Tre Province Nguyen Thi Hong Nhung and representatives of leaders of departments of culture, sports and tourism, tourism associations, tourism promotion information centres, and typical tourism businesses of provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta region.

At the event, the following activities took place: displaying tourism promotion information booths of provinces and cities, introducing the training program "Human resources of the tourism industry and period industry managers today", introducing the tourism development potential of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province and provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta region. 

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Signing a memorandum of understanding on cooperation, association, and tourism development between the Association Ben Tre Tourism Association and with Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial Tourism Association.

he participating units held a seminar on the current state of tourism industry human resources after the Covid-19 pandemic. At the same time, they signed a memorandum of cooperation, linkage, and tourism development between the tourism associations of various provinces and cities and the Ba Ria - Vung Tau Tourism Association. They also signed a memorandum of understanding on linking and developing local tourism resource products between the Vietnam Tourism Club and the Vietnam Small and Medium Tourism Forum (VTF)

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Delegates attending the event of linking and developing tourism in the Mekong Delta provinces and Ba Ria - Vung Tau. 

The event aims to promote propaganda and promotion of the country, people, cultural identity, products, and tourism potential of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province, as well as other provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta region to a large number of tourists. Thereby, contributing to attracting tourists and promoting investment in the construction and development of tourism products and services of localities. Strengthen cooperative relationships and connect tour routes between Ba Ria - Vung Tau province with other provinces and cities. At the same time, creates conditions for businesses, travel companies, tourism, restaurants, and hotels to have opportunities to link and develop the region in the future.​​


Source: Báo Đồng Khởi

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