Thanh Phu district tourism - Ben Tre: Orientation and development

06/10/2022 1457 0
Thanh Phu district tourism - Ben Tre: Orientation and development

As one of three coastal districts and located in the south of Ben Tre province, Thanh Phu has many flat fields interspersed with dunes and mangrove forests. As a district located at the end of the Mekong River, the land is largely saline and has been severely damaged by war. Developing production and improving people's lives often face many difficulties. However, Thanh Phu still constantly focuses on the field of tourism and actively implements the Project on tourism development in Thanh Phong and Thanh Hai communes for the period up to 2030.


 Tourists take photos  in front of the Memorial Stele where Battalion 307 was discharged) (Photo: TT.TTXTDL)

Taking advantage of available advantages, Thanh Phu district tourism has gradually flourished and is full of potential. Currently, the whole district has 27 accommodation establishments with over 120 rooms and capable of meeting at least 50,000 guests per year. In 2019, the total number of visitors to the district reached 501,900; Each year the district has about 1,000 workers created from tourism activities. At the same time, tourism advertising and promotion work is also being implemented more actively. One of the outstanding architectural relics attracting many tourists is the Architectural and Artistic Monument of Huynh Phu Ancient House (Huong Liem) and Grave Area. Huong Liem ancient house or Dai Dien ancient house, built more than 100 years ago, is a very unique, beautiful and famous wood sculpture architecture on Minh island of Ben Tre. Down to Thanh Hai commune, Thanh Phu district, tourists will come to Con Bung beach. This is a pristine beach with rows of green casuarinas and many restaurants and eateries serving tourists with fresh seafood dishes such as clams, shrimp, crabs, oysters, crabs,... at very reasonable prices. reasonable. In addition, visitors can visit the North-South Weapons Receiving Bridgehead Relic (Ho Chi Minh Road on the Sea), Bay Thiet vineyard, Ong Nam Hai Mausoleum, Sau Dau trees and traditional craft villages such as broom-making village, Giong Luong coconut cake craft village,... 


Tourists take souvenir photos at Sau Dau Tree Row, Thanh Phu district (Photo: TT.TTXTDL) 

Although tourism activities in Thanh Phu district have achieved many results, they The local potential has not yet been fully exploited. The district's tourism infrastructure is not yet synchronized, tourist destinations are not really linked and have not yet formed tours and routes. In addition, the mechanism for forest land management and forest environmental services has not been decentralized, causing many difficulties for businesses and investors. The district is building a development strategy until 2025 - vision to 2030. Currently, the brand "Coconut Ecotourism" in Ben Tre province has gradually become impressive and familiar to many tourists. Thanh District Phu has advantages in the marine economy and mangrove forests, so building the district's own brand identity with the development of marine tourism combined with experiencing activities in mangrove forests is very necessary, community tourism associated with agriculture and fishery, taking tourists to visit shrimp fields, cassava fields, vineyards, mango gardens,... and immersing themselves in the lives of local people will make visitors feel new. and more enjoyable. Shortly, tourism in Thanh Phu district will increasingly have more tours and routes from river to sea connecting with districts of Ben Tre and neighbouring provinces in the Delta region Cuu Long./.

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