My An broom making village contributes to the development of tourism in Thanh Phu district

06/10/2022 1229 0
Contributing to increasing local people's income, transforming the economic structure, and promoting new rural development, the socio-economic landscape of Mỹ An Commune (Thạnh Phú) has been increasingly transformed. The development of local tourism economy has benefited greatly from the Mỹ An broom-making craft village.

Joy in the broom-making village

From Ben Tre city, follow Highway 60, cross Ham Luong bridge, and go straight for more than 60 km, visitors will come to My An commune - Thanh Phu district, an island commune with a terrain of rivers and canals interlaced and separated. from the previous two communes My Hung and An Thanh. Here, there is a broom-making village that is still preserved and developed by the people today.

Traditional handicraft products in My An broom-making village (photo ST)

Coming here, visitors will see with their own eyes the artisans and skilled craftsmen quickly making brooms that are wrapped evenly, tightly and beautifully. The broom-making profession is scattered in hamlets in the commune but is most concentrated in An Hoa hamlet - the first starting point in the craft village. At first, only a few households worked on a small scale, mainly serving local consumption needs. By 2006, the broom binding industry in An Hoa hamlet began to develop strongly. It became a place to supply products to domestic and foreign markets and especially recently exported to Cambodia and Laos markets.
In 2011, the broom-making village in An Hoa - My An hamlet was recognized as the 18th handicraft village in Ben Tre province, opening a new direction for developing craft village products and increasing income for people. local people. In 2012, My An broom-making village was recognized as a typical rural industrial product of the province. These are favourable conditions for My An broom-making village to develop and bring its products further.
Currently, My An Broom Binding Village has more than 200 households participating in the broom binding profession and has more than 30 large-scale production facilities. Every year, My An broom-making village exports more than 1 million products of all kinds to markets inside and outside the province. To have enough raw materials for coconut leaf stalks to serve production, in addition to locally available raw materials, production facilities here also purchase additional raw materials from other places such as Mo Cay, Ba Tri, Chau Thanh, Tien Giang,... My An broom-making village has just created jobs for local idle workers nearly 500 on-site workers, with a revenue of 22 - 25 billion VND. In 2013, the craft village sold over 8.5 million products of all kinds, creating jobs for more than 618 workers, including 493 regular workers and 125 seasonal workers. Each broom bundler earns an average of about 2 million VND/month.
Regarding My An broom-making village, from the beginning of the village to the end of the village, everywhere there are images of people making broom bundles. There are many households, from adults to children, who know how to bundle brooms. In some production facilities, people can make broom bundles. more crowded, the working atmosphere is always bustling and bustling with laughter. This is an opportunity for localities to invest in the sustainable development of this traditional profession.

Many conditions for tourism development
My An has the advantage of charming rivers and friendly and hospitable people. Thanh Phu district is promoting tourism development, attracting tourists to Thanh Phu coastal district. Many important cultural and historical relics such as Relics of the 516th battalion's departure place in Dai Dien, Huynh Phu ancient house (Huong Liem) are recognized as national architectural and artistic relics, relics Ho Chi Minh Road on the Sea have been recognized by the People's Committee of Ben Tre province as a local tourist area, in which the highlight is Bung island tourism (Thanh Phong) which is increasingly attracting tourists. In addition, Thanh Phu also has many traditional handicraft villages such as Hoa Loi jar casting village, My Hung hat making village, Giong Luong coconut cake, a speciality with the flavour of the coconut homeland,... contributing to the development of coconut trees. tourism development. Thanh Phu is diversifying tourism products, building many attractive tour programs to attract tourists, and focusing on exploiting types of tourism such as Beach tourism, and cultural and historical tourism. , careers Village Travel.
In the current tourism development conditions of Ben Tre, the type of craft village tourism is gradually asserting its new development as an inevitable trend. Therefore, if My An broom-making village exploits these conditions well, it will both strongly develop its craft village through exporting products to the market and at the same time attract tourists to visit. Adding a stable source of income from tourism, visitors to the craft village can both experience the products of the craft village, watch artisans perform, and buy craft village products on the spot. The products of the craft village will be promoted. Promote and promote through tourism programs./. 

General Information and Tourism Center

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