Rural tourism: A gold mine waiting to be exploited

23/09/2022 1096 0
Rural tourism in many countries like the United States, Austria, the Netherlands, and South Korea is very developed, but in Vietnam, it has hardly been tapped into. Experts believe that developing rural tourism requires product planning according to regions to avoid redundancy and monotony.


Pride of the homelandThe rural tourism development program in new rural construction for the period 2021-2025 has set out 5 main tasks including upgrading and investing in developing rural tourist attractions associated with implementing construction criteria for new countryside; developing rural tourism products with regional characteristics; developing quality rural tourism human resources; communicate and promotion of rural tourism; Build and deploy pilot models for rural tourism development towards green, responsible and sustainable tourism.
According to the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan, the goal is that by the end of the 2021-2025 period, the whole country will have not only many new rural communes, improved new rural communes, and new rural communes there will be model, but we are also proud of how many rural heritages have been formed, preserved, and developed and invited tourists to introduce and promote those heritages.
 “This rural tourism program deployed nationwide is a revolution in building new rural areas. Developing rural tourism is not only for economic benefits but also for the responsibility and pride of the homeland," the Minister emphasized.
However, currently, in different regions, tourism products are similar, so there is competition within the region and is not attractive to tourists. To overcome this weakness, Mr Nguyen Ngoc Bich, CEO of Mekong Rustic said: "There must be general planning of the regions. For example, the Mekong Delta must have a regional plan before planning each province, according to its strengths. Any province that doesn't have strengths in tourism development should not try. If every province plans garden tourism, it will be diluted and boring."
According to CEO Mekong Rustic, around the world, rural tourism developed strongly in the 80s and 90s of the last century. In the US, every year many major events on agricultural tourism are held. Currently, according to statistics, every year Americans spend about 800 million USD on farm tourism activities.
In Austria, agricultural tourism is organized in a very professional way, even though the number of people working in agriculture in this country only accounts for 3% of the population.
In Korea, agricultural tours have been deployed since 2006 and are considered one of the main agricultural development strategies to help farmers offset the decline in income from agriculture while giving Korean agriculture new functions...
Mr Nguyen Ngoc Bich is very interested in the Japanese farmstay and homestay model The Nakajimas, because it impacts the development of community tourism as well as brings sustainable local economic development. Visitors coming here will experience the countryside, live with a Japanese family and enjoy meals cooked by local people at home...

Create a responsible tourism communityTo develop rural tourism and agricultural tourism, CEO Mekong Rustic said that support from tourism management agencies is very important. Promotion agencies act as a bridge to promote destinations and tourism products. Localities should choose agriculturally and culturally diverse areas to develop community tourism. Besides, in community tourism, people are an important pillar.
 “How to help households take full advantage of their strengths and standardize services is something I always worry about. The first thing to do is to change people's thinking about tourism resources. People still think that the rice fields and fruit gardens they see every day are too normal. They don't realize that these seemingly insignificant things have great meaning to tourists. Therefore, helping people realize that inherent agricultural and cultural resources will bring sustainable income, so they are willing to participate," said CEO Mekong Rustic.
Along with that, Mr Bich also said that state management agencies and tourism businesses need to guide people to diversify community tourism products, upgrade local service quality, and improve infrastructure and tourism skills to meet the increasing needs and affordability of tourists in the direction of personalization, eating organic agricultural products, and comfortable accommodation.
At the Conference to deploy the One Commune One Product Program (OCOP) and the Rural Tourism Development Program in building new rural areas for the period 2021 - 2025, experts and businesses offered many development solutions. Rural tourism such as Developing a system of quality, creative, culturally distinct rural tourism products, based on the advantages of each locality, by market needs. Prioritize the development of product lines for rural resorts, health care, diverse experiences, and new products... Improve service and management skills to meet development needs and target new needs and unique needs of customer groups.


Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan suggested that localities need to change their thinking and invest more in building unique products to create differences to enhance product value. Investing in facilities and infrastructure, creating rural social institutions; developing rural agricultural economic space; Developing markets for OCOP products, and rural agricultural tourism services...


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