Potential and products of coastal community ecotourism in Thua Duc commune, Binh Dai district

22/09/2022 1291 0
Ngày 16/9/2022, Trung tâm Trung tâm Chuyển giao Công nghệ Dịch vụ và Phát triển cộng đồng Nông Ngư nghiệp Việt Nam (FACOD) trực thuộc Hội nghề cá Việt Nam, Ủy ban nhân dân xã Thừa Đức phối hợp cùng tổ chức Hội thảo tiềm năng và sản phẩm du lịch sinh thái cộng đồng tại xã Thừa Đức tại nhà cộng đồng ấp Thừa Trung, xã Thừa Đức, huyện Bình Đại, tỉnh Bến Tre.

Attending the seminar were representatives of leaders of the Ben Tre Provincial Tourism Association, the Department of Culture and Information of Binh Dai and Chau Thanh districts and several tourism businesses in the province.

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View of the Conference (Photo: L.L)

At the seminar, representatives of units spoke, discussed and discussed potential directions and community tourism products in Thua Duc commune. In the conference program, there are organized contents, including Experiential Tour - Sightseeing - Enjoying - Learning from Thua Duc commune community; Displaying and introducing products "Traditional - Indigenous - Rustic of the coastal community of Thua Duc,... Thereby, it shows the development and strength of tourism in Thua Duc commune in the future.
The project to develop ecotourism combined with a community-based coastal agricultural economy in Thua Duc commune, Binh Dai district has ended and was transferred to the locality to continue promoting and contributing to sustainable development in the spirit of sustainable development. Economic development towards the East of Ben Tre province until 2030.

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Experience - Sightseeing - Enjoying - Learning community tour of Thua Duc commune (Photo: L.L)

 Thua Duc commune, Binh Dai district is known to tourists for its interesting attractions, marine agricultural and spiritual experiences. On January 28, 2021, the Center for Technology Transfer, Services and Community Development of Vietnam Agriculture and Fisheries (FACOD) under the Vietnam Fisheries Association organized the "Starting Ceremony of the Model Construction and Development Project". community-based ecotourism model in the coastal area of ​​Thua Duc commune, Binh Dai district" to develop the tourism economy, increase people's income and contribute to protecting the natural environment in coastal areas; creating a balance between sustainable exploitation and use of aquatic resources through developing community eco-tourism models in estuaries and coastal mudflats of Ben Tre province. Thereby raising community awareness among stakeholders regarding the conservation of natural resource values, protection of the natural environment, sustainable development of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries and food safety, conservation and promotion of values of indigenous culture and traditions./.

Bao Tram

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