Survey - Connecting tourism products in Mo Cay Bac district

22/09/2022 1594 0
Sáng ngày 14/9/2022, Trung tâm Thông tin xúc tiến Du lịch Bến Tre kết hợp với Phòng Văn hoá và Thông tin huyện Mỏ Cày Bắc tổ chức chuyến khảo sát các điểm kinh doanh du lịch trên địa bàn huyện, cụ thể là ở 2 xã Thanh Tân và xã Phú Mỹ để quảng bá, kết nối tour - tuyến du lịch.

​The visiting delegation included Mr Vo Thanh Son - Acting Director of Ben Tre Tourism Promotion Information Center, Mr Nguyen Van Son - Head of the Culture and Information Department of Mo Cay Bac district along with representatives of travel businesses, Cong. C2T Ben Tre Communications & Tourism Company Limited, Bao Duyen Tourism Company Limited, Southern Tourism - Trade Company Limited.

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Survey team at Homestay Nam Ham Luong

In Thanh Tan commune, the group visited the following locations: Homestay Nam Ham Luong, Huy Hoang fishing spot, and Coco Farmstay.
Homestay Nam Ham Luong and Coco Farmstay are destinations where visitors can admire the peaceful space of the river homeland, meeting places, and birthdays... ideal for preserving memories, and A place to enjoy rustic dishes typical of the river countryside.
Huy Hoang Fishing Spot - Huy Hoang Garden Ecotourism is a place where visitors experience the feeling of conquest and delight in their passion for fishing with a weight of up to 40kg/fish. The fishing spot includes 2 lakes with an area of ​​500m2, and the number of fish is about 10 tons.

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Nam Ham Luong Homestay room suite

In Phu My, the group visited Long Quang Pagoda and the restaurant Ut Huong Riverbank Cuisine.
Long Quang Pagoda is also known as Coconut Pagoda because the characteristic of this pagoda is that it is built mainly from coconut trees (coconut tree trunks), from columns, rafters, tile lining, to tables, chairs, and altar cabinets all made from coconut trees, contributing to the uniqueness of the pagoda, and enhancing the value of Ben Tre coconut trees.
Cuisine on the banks of the Ut Huong River in My Son Dong hamlet is not only attracted by the delicious dishes here but also by the airy space due to being located on the banks of the Ham Luong River, whereby the restaurant also has a view of the river creating highlight for the restaurant.

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River view - Ut Huong riverside cuisine

The survey is an opportunity for the Tourism Promotion Information Center and the Culture and Information Department to grasp the post-pandemic business situation of businesses. At the same time, creates conditions and opportunities for travel companies and local businesses to contact, exchange contact information, and connect for common tourism activities.
Information of Contact:

Homestay Nam Ham Luong

Địa chỉ: 204 ấp Thanh Sơn 1, X. Thanh Tân, H. Mỏ Cày Bắc, Bến Tre.

Mr Bình, sđt: 0848 500 333

Du lịch Sinh thái miệt vườn Huy Hoàng

Địa chỉ: ấp Thanh Sơn 3, X. Thanh Tân, H. Mỏ Cày Bắc, Bến Tre.

Mr. Huy, SĐT: 0946 444 747

Coco Farmstay

Địa chỉ: ấp Thanh Sơn 4, X. Thanh Tân, H. Mỏ Cày Bắc, Bến Tre.

Mr. Thái, SĐT: 0918 723 009

Huy Hoang Garden Ecotourism
Address: Thanh Son 3 Hamlet, Thanh Tan Commune, Mo Cay Bac District, Ben Tre
Mr Huy, Phone number: 0946 444 747
Coco Farmstay
Address: Thanh Son 4 Hamlet, Thanh Tan Commune, Mo Cay Bac District, Ben Tre.
Mr Thai, phone number: 0918 723 009
Long Quang Pagoda (Coconut Pagoda)
Address: My Son Dong Hamlet, Phu My Commune, Mo Cay Bac District, Ben Tre
Cuisine on the banks of Ut Huong River
Address: My Son Dong Hamlet, Phu My Commune, Mo Cay Bac District, Ben Tre.
Ms Huong, phone number: 0939 233 819

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