Ben Tre tourism is exciting on the occasion of September 2nd

19/09/2022 1221 0
​Trong kỳ nghỉ Lễ Quốc Khánh 2/9 vừa qua, các điểm du lịch, cơ sở lưu trú tại Bến tre đã đón khoảng 40.000 lượt khách đến tham quan và du lịch trên địa bàn tỉnh. Đây là tín hiệu khả quan cho thấy những tiềm năng và thế mạnh của tài nguyên du lịch nơi Xứ Dừa đang dần được khẳng định và nhiều du khách biết đến.

Ben Tre with tourism resources is not only about Xu Dua River eco-tourism but also a place to preserve and develop a variety of other types of tourism such as cultural-historical tourism, craft village tourism, and entertainment travel. After a period of limiting activities due to the Covid-19 epidemic (2020 - 2021), on the occasion of National Day 2022, people will have 4 days off (from September 1-4, 2022), this is an opportunity for Travel businesses, restaurants, hotels, and tourist attractions in the province implement a tourism stimulus program associated with promoting the service industry more vibrantly than ever.

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Tourists experience entertainment services at tourist attractions (Photo: Hai Van Farm - Vam Ho Bird Sanctuary)

To provide good services to welcome tourists, most businesses and tourism establishments in Ben Tre province have taken steps to prepare, embellish, and upgrade their facilities, focusing on improving quality. product quality, offering many attractive programs and services to meet the increasing needs of tourists. Accommodation facilities, restaurants, and attractions improve the quality of existing products and services at the unit, and at the same time deploy new and attractive product and service packages to attract tourists such as folk games, a day of being a farmer, lighting a campfire, experiencing pouring your pancakes, baking rice paper, wrapping coconut candy, blindfolded catching goats, ducks,...
Ecotourism destinations, community tourism destinations, homestays, and standard hotels attract many tourists during the holidays such as Nipa Coconut Village Homestay, Lan Vuong Tourist Site, Ha Thao Tourist Site, Forever Green Resort, Ho Chi Minh Trail Relics tourist area on the sea in Ben Tre (Con Bung), fruit gardens in Tan Phu commune, Chau Thanh district, tourist destination Hai Van Farm - Vam Ho bird sanctuary, Con Bung beach, Con beach In addition to ecotourism sites along the Tien River, Phung Islet, Quy Islet (Chau Thanh district). The most popular tourist destination, accounting for more than half of the number of tourists in the entire province during this year's September 2 holiday, is Con Bung beach tourism (in Thanh Phu district). According to statistics, the number of visitors to Con Bang Beach Resort during the 4-day holiday increased significantly, with about 21,700 visitors.

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Tourists experience tourism at Con Bang. (Photo: Thanh Phu Center for Culture, Sports and Sports)

According to statistics from the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Ben Tre province, during the 4-day holiday on September 2 (from September 1 to 4), the total number of visitors to visit and travel to Ben Tre is estimated about 40,000 visits, an increase of 400% (4 times) compared to the same period in 2020 (10,000 visits). Of which domestic tourists are estimated to reach 80% of the total number of visitors. Total revenue from tourism activities is estimated at over 44 billion VND, an increase of 440% (44 times) compared to the same period in 2020 (10 billion VND). The average room capacity of tourist accommodation establishments ranges from 60% - 90%. Security, order, and safety for tourists are well guaranteed.

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Tourists have fun at Lan Vuong tourist destination. (Photo: XTDL)

After the September 2 Ceremony, tourism businesses and establishments continue to improve quality and promote products to keep up with the trend of developing tourism into a key economic sector of the province. Future.
In addition, Ben Tre province has propagated and promoted the image of "Coconut River Ecotourism - Safe - Friendly - Quality Destination" to create trust, and peace of mind and initially attract The interest of tourists, especially the domestic tourist market, has chosen Ben Tre as a tourist destination. Hopefully, shortly, the tourist market will be vibrant again, especially for international tourists./.

Bao Tram

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