Ben Tre organizes training classes to improve knowledge of State management of tourism in 2022

29/07/2022 1465 0
Ben Tre organizes training classes to improve knowledge of State management of tourism in 2022

Recently, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism coordinated with the School of Culture, Sports and Tourism Management Officers under the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to organize a training class to improve house management knowledge. water on tourism for leaders of departments, branches and district-level People's Committees in Ben Tre province (Grade 1) and a training class to improve state management knowledge on tourism for civil servants of the Department of Culture and Tourism. District-level information and leaders of commune-level People's Committees in Ben Tre province (Grade 2)
Attending the training classes were nearly 200 students who were members of the Provincial Tourism Development Steering Committee; Representatives of leaders of provincial departments, branches, unions and relevant agencies and units; civil servants in charge of tourism of the Department of Culture and Information of districts and cities and leaders of commune-level People's Committees in charge of tourism in Ben Tre province.

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Mr. Tran Ngoc Tam - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee awarded certificates to Grade 1 students (Collected photo)

At the training classes, students hear reports on topics about the Overview of tourism and tourists; Digital transformation and the formation of digital government and digital economy applied to tourism activities; Introducing the Vietnam Tourism Development Strategy until 2030; Some public finance issues impact tourism activities in the current period; Some issues about the current status and challenges of tourism in the Southwest region; Some issues about Cultural Tourism - Cultural tourism; Environmental protection in tourism activities; State management and tourism products of Ben Tre province; Skills in building tourism products; Skills for introducing tourism products; Some issues about community tourism. In addition, students also participate in practical learning at 02 relics as Nguyen Thi Dinh Memorial Area and Special National Monument Area Nguyen Dinh Chieu Tomb and Memorial Area.
In particular, the teaching staff participating in teaching are associate professors, doctors, masters, and experts with high professional qualifications, enthusiasm, and extensive experience in teaching at institutes and academies. , prestigious school. In addition to the theoretical content, lecturers also provide specific evidence and real-life situations related to the professional tasks of the students, helping students easily absorb the content of the topics. and can be applied to practical work at agencies and units.
Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung - Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism awarded certificates to Grade 2 students (Collected photo)
Through training classes, students have been equipped with some general knowledge about tourism; Fully aware of the tourism industry as an integrated economic sector, requiring synchronous coordination of relevant functional sectors and unity in state management of tourism from province to agency. department; At the same time, students are also trained in some communication skills, cultural behaviour in tourism, skills in building and introducing tourism products, and applying digital transformation in tourism. Thereby, helping students apply effectively in practical work at their units and localities, contributing to the successful implementation of the goal of developing tourism to become a key economic sector of the province in the future. 2030 in the spirit of Resolution No. 08 of the Politburo and the Resolution of the 11th Provincial Party Congress, term 2020 - 2025./.

Thuy Dung

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