Attention to information and methodical tourism promotion

29/06/2022 1299 0
Attention to information and methodical tourism promotion

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Member of the Party Central Committee - Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Le Duc Tho gave a directive speech at the working session on tourism advertising and promotion.
Also attending the meeting were the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council Huynh Quang Trieu, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thi Be Muoi, representatives of the Party Committee of the Provincial People's Committee, leaders of the Cultural and Social Committee of the Provincial People's Council and other departments. branch.
At the meeting, the Ben Tre Provincial Tourism Promotion Information Center reported on the province's information, promotion, tourism promotion and tourist attraction work. Accordingly, the implementation of information, communication, advertising and tourism promotion activities has been carried out regularly in recent times. The coordination between agencies, units and localities is carried out quite smoothly.
Linking with provinces in the cluster and region, especially cooperation with the city. Ho Chi Minh City and 13 provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta in information, communication, advertising and promotion work have brought practical results, creating motivation to help businesses expand markets and diversify products. tourism products and promote chain linkages to create many inter-line and inter-provincial tourism products.
Member of the Party Central Committee - Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Le Duc Tho highly appreciated the efforts of the tourism industry in overcoming difficulties to complete the task. However, regarding the proposed resolution, the industry needs to continue to make more efforts.
The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee suggested that the industry needs to have a comprehensive and objective view of the limitations and in-depth to find solutions, and at the same time seize good opportunities to implement the industry's tasks. Accordingly, firmly grasp the contents set out in the resolutions and policies of the province and central government on culture, sports and tourism to proactively deploy according to functions, tasks and leadership and direction. implementation, in advising and proposing implementation.
Provincial Party Secretary Le Duc Tho also emphasized that the tourism economy is identified as one of the province's key sectors, a driving force for other economic sectors to develop. Therefore, the industry needs to identify the tourism potential, advantages, and strong tourism products of the province to do truly methodical and oriented tourism promotion and promotion and strengthen links. cooperate with localities.
In addition, the culture, sports and tourism sectors need to continue to advise and propose a system of cultural values ​​of the province to preserve, promote, upgrade and embellish red addresses, contributing to attract tourism development, it is necessary to combine tourism economic development with preserving and promoting cultural values ​​and building a cultural lifestyle. Continue to develop culture, sports and tourism in a close relationship with each other. Connecting tourism establishments to become an extended arm in promoting and promoting tourism.
Some other issues that need attention include: Attracting tourism investment, investing in transport infrastructure development, exploiting the advantages of river tourism and dune tourism, and putting it into planning to attract tourists. invest. Pay attention to consolidating and perfecting the organizational structure and personnel for the Tourism Promotion Information Center to operate. Continue to apply digital technology in tourism economic development. Strengthen the training of professional tourism human resources, and have policies to encourage and support tourism development. Ensuring security and safety in cultural, sports and tourism development.
Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung spoke at the working session.
At the meeting, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Thi Ngoc Dung quickly reported the results of "Journey in Mr Do's Footsteps" taking place from June 6 to 9, 2022. In Within the framework of the program, Ben Tre, Hue and Ho Chi Minh City signed a cooperation agreement between 3 tourism promotion information centres to promote tourism between the 3 localities, initially spreading the effect of the event 200 years after the birth of the famous man Nguyen Dinh Chieu.
Source Dong Khoi Newspaper

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