Activities Breaking Vietnam records and setting world records of 222 dishes made from coconut

29/06/2022 1266 0
Activities Breaking Vietnam records and setting world records of 222 dishes made from coconut

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The activity of breaking the Vietnamese record and establishing a World record of 222 dishes made from Coconut is one of the typical activities commemorating the 200th birthday of the famous Nguyen Dinh Chieu, including contents such as Performances and performances. display 222 dishes made from coconut; Sculpture: tubers and fruits into models. Activities start from 07:30 to 12:00 on June 27, 2022 at Dua Hotel. To introduce the unique features of the culinary art of Ben Tre, the South in particular, and Vietnam in general; Create conditions for artisans from everywhere to interact, learn, and exchange professional experiences; Promoting the Cuisine Land brand is associated with promoting tourism destinations and Ben Tre cuisine to domestic and foreign tourists.
Come to Ben Tre, participate in activities to break Vietnamese records and set a World record of 222 dishes made from coconut. Learning and enjoying coconut dishes will be a wonderful experience. And it can be said that coconut dishes are very rustic and rustic, harmoniously combined from available ingredients in Ben Tre, to pure colours, spices and scents, and specialized art of decoration. Carrying the past, in harmony with reality and the future, it further embellishes the culinary culture associated with the lives of people in the Coconut Land, becoming delicious, unique dishes that are both beautiful, delicious and full of nutrients matter.
Doan Tu

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