The couple quit their jobs to travel at home

05/05/2022 1677 1
Seeing the potential for development in their locality, a couple in Ben Tre decided to quit their jobs and start a tourism business at home together.

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Young couple doing tourism on a deserted beach (T.D)

Mr Nguyen Van Thao (36 years old) and his wife Le Thi Kim Linh (31 years old, living in Thoi Hoa 2 hamlet, Thoi Thuan commune, Binh Dai district, Ben Tre province) quit their jobs together and went home to take advantage of what they had. ready to open "homestay" (a type of tourism that stays in people's homes).

Products for guests coming to the house are daily family activities

Having the opportunity to visit Binh Dai Beach (Thoi Thuan commune), we met Mr. Thao. In a simple T-shirt, he started a conversation and continuously guided people to places to visit on Ba Tu island, "check-in" with the poetic scenery in the poplar forest... This is a pristine sea area, without many restaurants. However, there is one house that is still lit, decorated with a beautiful welcome gate. That is Mr. Thao's house.

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The road leading to Ms Linh's house is poetic and wild (T.D)

Welcoming us in the evening, Ms Linh quickly went to the kitchen to make everyone a simple meal with fried fish, eggs, and boiled vegetables, accompanied by a bowl of fragrant rice...

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A quick meal that Ms. Linh cooked for us (DUY TUONG)

This young couple has been running a "homestay" business and other types of river tourism for nearly 4 years now. The products for guests coming to the house are daily family activities: fishing, catching fish, catching oysters, make salt. The country house is neat, tidy, and windy with thatched roofs amid vast shrimp squares and salt fields. The scenery is wild and seemingly nothing special, but Mr Thao and Ms Linh bring the most simple things of their hometown to serve tourists.

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When Mr Thao and his wife opened a "homestay", many local people did not know what model it was (T.D)

"When I first opened the "homestay", many people here did not know what it was because the place where I was born had hardly developed tourism, people mainly exposed themselves to the sea breeze all year round, raised oysters, clams or just fish. Digging snails from dawn to make money. There are almost no images of tourists coming to visit and have fun," Ms Linh said. Before doing home tourism, Ms. Linh said she opened an internet shop, and her husband repaired bought and sold phones for nearly 8 years. However, the source of income was high so the couple switched to tourism.

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Ms Linh lets guests experience the main work her family does every day (T.D)

"After the trip to Da Lat, I realized that the "homestay" model was very good, then came to research and went online to learn more. In 2018, the couple quit their jobs together and came back to my house to do tourism. Taking advantage of available things such as square ponds of nearly 4 acres, then renovating them, stocking them with fish, shrimp, oysters... building more than 5 "leaf-walled cottages" for guests to rest," she said.

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Guests "transform" into Western people with river activities (NVCC)​​​​​​​

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Finding shrimp and catching fish (NVCC)

In addition to the Southern countryside atmosphere with fun river activities, what makes visitors come back again and again is the fact that Mr. Thao and his wife consider themselves family. “My husband works as a tour guide, taking guests to visit the beautiful scenery in his hometown…. I stay at home and cook and make food. When the experience is over, they return to enjoy delicious food. We sat at the table and talked, confiding in each other without any distance. I always want to bring the most simple things to welcome guests, making them enjoy and feel more friendly," Ms Linh shared.

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Guests and hosts sit together (T.D)​​​​​​​

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The fish were caught from Ms Linh's square pond (T.D).

Efforts to develop homestay after 1 year without visitors

Ms Linh started welcoming guests on April 30, 2018, but after nearly a year of operation, there are still no tourists because few people know about this place.

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Ms Linh her husband and her eldest daughter (NVCC)

“So I tried to promote and find customers by linking with travel companies and increasing posting articles and photos on social networks. In early 2019, we welcomed the first visitors, mainly people from outside the province. Since then, on average we welcome about 30 - 50 visitors each month," she said excitedly.

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According to Ms Linh, her customers are mainly people from Ho Chi Minh City (NVCC)

Then she added: "Even though the first year there were no customers and the Covid-19 epidemic broke out, my family was still able to maintain the homestay model thanks to buying and selling seafood at square ponds."

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Taking advantage of what is available at home, the couple does homestay tourism (T.D)


For Ms Linh, starting a business at home is a very convenient and fortunate thing thanks to available resources and the wholehearted support of her family. Tan Dat -


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