Promoting Coconut Land tourism in the new normal period of 2022

14/04/2022 1607 0
Sau thời gian dài các hoạt động xúc tiến, quảng bá Du lịch tạm dừng do dịch bệnh Covid-19, để hỗ trợ cho việc từng bước phục hồi của ngành du lịch Bến Tre, Trung tâm Thông tin xúc tiến Du lịch đề ra nhiều giải pháp thực hiện nhiệm vụ trong năm 2022 ngay khi dịch bệnh được kiểm soát. Tiếp tục thực hiện Chương trình hành động số 22-CTr/TU; Kế hoạch số 4573/KH-UBND ngày 09 tháng 10 năm 2017 của Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh Bến Tre về việc thực hiện Chương trình hành động số 22-CTr/TU; Đề án số 02-ĐA/TU ngày 29 tháng 01 năm 2021 của Tỉnh ủy về phát triển du lịch tỉnh Bến Tre đến năm 2030; Kế hoạch số 3706/KH-UBND ngày 01 tháng 7 năm 2021 của Ủy ban nhân dân tỉnh triển khai thực hiện đề án nêu trên; các Chương trình, Đề án, Kế hoạch cụ thể hóa nghị quyết Đại hội Đại biểu Đảng bộ tỉnh bến Tre lần thứ XI nhiệm kỳ 2020-2025. ​

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Media image "Coconut Country River Ecotourism"
in the new normal period of 2022 (sample of TTVH-DA)

Coordinate with Ben Tre Provincial Tourism Association, Tourism Management Department and tourism businesses in the province to organize a 2022 tourism business meeting and tourism industry anniversaries (Vietnam Tourism Day - July 9 and World Tourism Day - September 27).
Participate in domestic fairs and exhibitions such as the VITM Hanoi Fair, Southern Folk Cake Festival in Can Tho, and Ho Chi Minh City Tourism Festival combined with organizing tourism promotion programs (roadshow) to Introduce to businesses nationwide the typical products of Coconut Land Tourism, Vinh Long Province Tourism Festival, ITE Fair in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Cultural Heritage and Tourism Space exhibition in 2022 within the framework National Tourism Year 2022 in Quang Nam and some domestic and foreign tourism promotion events and fairs organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Vietnam Tourism Association, Delta Tourism Association Mekong River; Events related to affiliated provinces in the Eastern Mekong Delta cluster, organized by other provinces/cities.

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Ben Tre participated in a booth at the VITM Hanoi 2022 event with provinces in the Eastern Mekong Delta Tourism Development Cluster (photo collaborator)

Ben Tre participated in a booth at the VITM Hanoi 2022 event with provinces in the Eastern Mekong Delta Tourism Development Cluster (photo collaborator)
Building a coconut floating market tourist route on the Thom River associated with coconut exploitation and processing craft villages and special national relics Dong Khoi and Mo Cay Nam connecting with Cho Lach Cultural and Tourism Village. Coordinate agencies, units, and localities in the province with travel businesses to build and develop tourism products such as Horticultural river and water eco-tourism products; community tourism; cultural and historical tourism; tourism combining conferences, seminars, exhibitions, and events (MICE); resort tour…. Build links between district and district, between province and province. At the same time, the Tourism Promotion Information Center continues to organize Famtrip and Frestrip groups to survey tourism products, tours, routes, and tourist attractions inside and outside the province in the new normal situation.

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Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Mr. Le Duc Tho, surveys the actual tourist route in Song Tien - Chau Thanh district, Ben Tre province (photo by Nguyen Su)

Coordinate with domestic and foreign newspapers and radio stations to promote and introduce Ben Tre tourist destination through the tourism brand identity "Coconut River Ecology" in many forms such as: maintaining and opening tourist attractions. specialized pages and sections on tourism, increasing articles, reports, and in-depth clips promoting the image of the homeland, people, destinations, culture, events associated with holidays and other events related.
Together with the Department of Culture and Information of districts and cities, review suitable locations according to each locality's planning to implement some large billboards to visually promote tourism throughout Ben Tre province... Collaborate with Ben Tre Provincial Museum to perform landscape decoration and tourism propaganda to create a destination product mark in Ben Tre city.
Implementing digital transformation in the field of tourism, especially the promotion and promotion of Ben Tre tourism, including Standardizing digital content introducing typical tourism destinations, products and services of Ben Tre province Tre and developing an automatic tour guide application via smart mobile devices for tourists from the moment they arrive and leave Ben Tre province; Automatic messaging application on the Ben Tre Smart Tourism system on the web and app on smartphones. Building 360-degree videos to serve tourists. Combine the construction and implementation of visual tourism solutions for important historical relics of Ben Tre province, thereby providing official information about Ben Tre's culture and history. Building automatic interpretation software in the Ben Tre Smart Tourism system (Digital Tourism Map) for sightseeing, research, and specific destinations of the province.

Minh Chuong

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