Provincial Party Secretary Le Duc Tho surveys the tourist route on Tien River

28/03/2022 1768 0
​Ngày 27-3-2022, Đoàn công tác của Tỉnh ủy tỉnh do Ủy viên Trung ương Đảng - Bí thư Tỉnh ủy Lê Đức Thọ làm trưởng đoàn tiến hành khảo sát tuyến du lịch trên sông Tiền.

Joining the delegation were the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Thi Be Muoi, leaders of the District Party Committee, Chau Thanh District People's Committee and many tourism businesses in the province.


Provincial Party Secretary Le Duc Tho surveys the tourist route on the Tien River.

Carrying out the survey trip, the group boarded the train at Con Phung Pier and moved to visit Hong Thai Homestay, Tan Con Quy, Thoi Son, Con Phung, and Green Village tourist attractions. The group had an experience of walking through the dunes, visiting orchid gardens, eating fruit, drinking honey tea and listening to amateur music,...


The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee paid attention to the souvenir displays at the amateur music venue.

Surveying the reality, Provincial Party Secretary Le Duc Tho affirmed that Ben Tre has a lot of potential and opportunities to develop the tourism economy associated with the province's potential strengths.
According to the Provincial Party Secretary, now along with the whole country, the province has opened its doors to welcome tourists. It is forecasted that in the coming time, the number of international visitors to Vietnam, including Ben Tre, will increase. Surely this is a great opportunity to develop the tourism sector. Therefore, the province's tourism industry must try to create outstanding points by introducing destinations and services that satisfy the needs of tourists.


The group surveyed the experience of walking on Con Quy.

Along with that, restructure the tourism economy to become more substantive and professional, especially associated with the strengths of the garden, river and other economic sectors to turn tourism into a spearhead economy. of the province. Thereby, promoting the province's socio-economic development in the coming time quickly and sustainably.
The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee requested the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism to promote well its role in state management, guiding, connecting, organizing and developing the province's unique tourism chain as well as linking the provinces. provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta region. At the same time, organize markets, train, develop businesses and upgrade tourism businesses. Introducing good examples and good models in tourism activities.
Relevant departments and branches should strengthen state management, and review pick-up points and ports, and tourist passenger transport vehicles to ensure registration and safe and effective operation. Infrastructure for tourism is guaranteed to be synchronized to create safety and convenience for tourists and residents.


Provincial Party Secretary Le Duc Tho learns how to raise bees for honey at the Don Ca Tai Tu music spot in Thoi Son island.

Chau Thanh District People's Committee creates favourable conditions and mobilizes more social resources to invest in more types and facilities to meet the increasing needs of tourists.
Information during the survey, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee said that the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People's Committee are very interested in both controlling the epidemic well and expeditiously accelerating the pace of recovery and socio-economic development of the province. Shortly, the province will have overall and specific directions to achieve the province's socio-economic development goals, including the tourism economy.

News and photos: Phan Han
Source: baodongkhoi.vnSource

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