Coconut Land Tourism - One year of operation during the pandemic season

03/03/2022 1395 0
​Trong năm qua, thực hiện Đề án số 02-ĐA/TU ngày 29 tháng 01 năm 2021 của Tỉnh ủy về phát triển du lịch tỉnh Bến Tre đến năm 2030, mặc dù ngành du lịch gặp rất nhiều khó khăn do ảnh hưởng và tác động nặng nề bởi tình hình dịch bệnh Covid-19 nhưng Ngành du lịch, các Sở, ban ngành có liên quan và các địa phương đã tập trung tuyên truyền sâu rộng trong tổ chức, cá nhân kinh doanh du lịch và nhân dân về vị trí, vai trò của việc phát triển du lịch đối với sự phát triển kinh tế - xã hội của tỉnh bằng nhiều hình thức như: Đăng tải tài liệu tuyên truyền trên Cổng thành phần của Sở, Trang thông tin điện tử du lịch của tỉnh, zalo..; trả lời phỏng vấn trên các phương triện truyền thông (Báo Đồng Khởi, Báo Pháp Luật, Đài Phát thanh và Truyền hình tỉnh...); tọa đàm, các lớp tập huấn, bồi dưỡng về du lịch,...

Therefore, creating consensus and unity in awareness and action contributes to the successful implementation of the goal of developing tourism into an important economic sector of the province by 2025 and a key economic sector of the province by 2030 as proposed by the Project.
Coordinate with relevant state management agencies to pay attention to implementing central and local mechanisms and policies to support, encourage, and create favourable conditions for businesses, tourism business establishments, and workers working in the tourism sector to continue to maintain and participate in tourism business activities such as priority for vaccination against Covid-19, insurance support unemployment, implementing the support package for tour guides (HDVDL) according to Resolution 68/NQ-CP and Decision No. 23/2021/QD-TTg of the Prime Minister,...

Regularly introduce, promote and promote Ben Tre tourism - a safe, friendly, quality destination on the Ben Tre tourism website and page of the Tourism Promotion Information Center. Organize the 2021 Online Tourism Beauty Photo Contest. Post 36 articles promoting Ben Tre tourism to mass media. Participate in online exhibitions at 03 events: Ho Chi Minh City Tourism Festival, Mekong Delta virtual reality exhibition conducted by An Giang and Online exhibition at Ba Ria electronic trading floor - Vung Tau. At the same time, creates favourable conditions for businesses, investors, and travel agencies to access information, link to develop tours and routes, invite investment and encourage communities in areas with favourable conditions to participate in tourism business activities, and promote the brand, image, and tourist destination of Ben Tre to tourists. Continue to strengthen and promote cooperation and linkages in tourism development with provinces in the Eastern Cluster, Ho Chi Minh City and 13 provinces and cities in the Mekong Delta,... creating inter-provincial and tourism products regions. Coordinate with VNPT to implement smart tourism applications and digital maps to support and increase tourist experience; test the Ben Tre tourism digital map on the web portal application platform and App Mobile application (under completion). Maintain and upgrade Ben Tre tourism website.


Media billboard model, promoting tourism in the green area of ​​Coconut Land


Tourism products and services in the green area of ​​Coconut Land (photo XTDL)

In 2021, due to the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the province's tourism industry mainly developed the domestic tourist market. Despite many difficulties, some tourism units had to close, but in general, Coconut Land Tourism continues to strengthen its eco-tourism and community products: tourism in 8 communes along the Tien River, and tourism in 3 communes in the north. South of Ben Tre city, beach tourism, relaxation, cuisine, health, spirituality as well as maintaining the implementation of the One Commune One Product Program. Many units take advantage of the time when there are no customers to invest, renovate and upgrade their facilities. Thereby, contributing to diversifying tourist services to prepare to welcome guests when the Government allows operations to resume under new normal conditions. At the same time, review, guide and mobilize organizations and individuals providing homestay services and tourist attractions to participate in evaluation and classification according to the set of criteria issued by the Central Government.


Ben Tre has welcomed the first group of tourists to travel (Photo: L.L)

Ben Tre Tourism Industry issued a set of temporary criteria to evaluate the level of safety in preventing and combating the COVID-19 epidemic for tourism activities in Ben Tre province. Establish and operate the Coconut Land Green Zone Tourism Steering Committee: Evaluate the conditions of tourism facilities operating in the new normal situation; printing 5K message posters and panels, creating QR codes for medical declarations, and instructions for designing quarantine waiting rooms when tourists have symptoms of infection while travelling; Support 40 body temperature measuring and COVID 19 disinfection machines for tourism businesses registered in the restart of Coconut Green Zone Tourism November 2021... Deploy 02 online tourism training classes and 01 class on COVID-19 epidemic prevention skills. Check the minimum conditions of technical facilities and services of tourist accommodation establishments; Guide establishments to recognize tourist attractions and establishments that meet tourist service standards to guide units to properly and fully comply with regulations and laws in the business field and ensure security and order. , environmental sanitation, food hygiene and safety, security and order, fire prevention, labour safety.... Guide businesses and tourism establishments to properly implement COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control; Instruct hotels to create centralized quarantine areas for patients to voluntarily pay for. Organize the Survey Program and Tourism Linkage Conference between Ho Chi Minh City and Ben Tre; Program to welcome the first group of visitors to Ben Tre on the occasion of the tourism launch ceremony "Green Zone of Coconut"


The Ho Chi Minh City Department of Tourism delegation surveyed some tourist attractions, products and services in Ben Tre (Photo L.L.)

In general, Ben Tre Tourism is on the road to development, currently, the province has attracted 32 projects with a total investment capital of over 3,300 billion VND, of which, 03 projects have been completed, and 05 projects have just come into operation. business, continuing to invest; 08 ongoing investment projects have not been completed. Continue to implement the Cho Lach Cultural and Tourism Village Project, and build the Mo Cay Nam Coconut Village Project... Hopefully, Coconut Land Tourism in 2022 will continue to overcome the pandemic, steadily progressing to become an important economic sector by 2025 and a key economic sector by 2030./.

Minh Chuong

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