Good signal from the 'smokeless industry' of Coconut land

21/02/2022 1450 0
Bước sang năm 2022, việc mở cửa đón khách quốc tế cùng lượng khách nội địa du Xuân tại xứ Dừa tăng cao ngay từ những tháng đầu năm, đặc biệt là dịp Tết Nguyên đán Nhâm Dần

Entering 2022, the opening to welcome international visitors and the number of domestic tourists travelling to Spring in the Coconut Land have increased since the first months of the year, especially during the Lunar New Year of the Tiger.


Tourists visit the canals by rowing boats. File photo: Cong Tri/TTXVN

After two years of being affected by COVID-19, the Ben Tre Tourism industry in particular and Vietnam, in general, have suffered many negative impacts, and all activities are almost "paralyzed". Entering 2022, the opening to welcome international visitors and the number of domestic tourists travelling to the Coconut Land for Spring have increased since the first months of the year, especially during the Lunar New Year of the Tiger, which is considered a positive signal, lighting up the year. Hope the tourism industry will soon recover.
Unlike every year, due to the epidemic situation, Mr Le Quang Trung's family in Chau Thanh town, Chau Thanh district did not travel outside the province, he took his children on a spring vacation right in Ben Tre. The destination that Mr Trung's family chose was Con Phung Tourist Area. Mr Trung said that because this is an island located in the Four Spirits system: Long, Lan, Quy, Phung (i.e dragon, unicorn, tortoise, phoenix; the four supernatural creatures) on the Tien River, setting foot on the land of Con Phung brings a feeling of peace, comfort, and excitement, both unique.
According to Mr Trung, this place attracts tourists from near and far because it still retains many original unique architecture such as Chin Rong Yard, Hoa Binh Tower,... more than 50 years of construction. In addition, his children are people from the Coconut Land, but they also "opened their eyes" for the first time when entering the "coconut maze", having the opportunity to understand more about the people, life and culture of the Coconut Land here. Coconut Museum - a house made entirely from coconut tree trunks and also a place to display many beautiful and eye-catching products made from coconut. In particular, the most exciting thing is when the whole family sits on a boat to visit large dunes, listen to amateur folk music and enjoy Western specialities made from sour cork fruits.
From Lam Dong, coming to Lan Vuong Tourist Area in Ben Tre city for the first time, wearing the typical rustic brown three-piece suit, Huynh Tran Thao Mi's group of young friends "transformed" into genuine Westerners signs and canoe together, slapping ditches to catch fish, compete in duck catching, etc. The best thing for Thao Mi and her friends is in the cool space, with the gentle sunshine of the West, to experience activities with bold folk features such as going on a coconut bridge, cycling across a monkey bridge, swinging on a rope, going on a pendulum bridge,... Thrilling but exciting and extremely fun - Thao Mi shared.

Lan Vuong Tourist Area's management representative Tran Ba ​​Thoai said that as one of the spots that has met epidemic prevention safety criteria, the tourist area is confident in opening with flexible steps, quickly adapting to the current situation "new normal". Specifically, to ensure epidemic prevention and control regulations, the unit is fully equipped with hand sanitisers, body temperature monitors, medical declarations, and vaccination information before visiting or playing... At the same time, Lan Vuong Tourist Area has refurbished its facilities, redecorated the landscape, prepared traditional Tet activities and added Western-style items, especially speciality dishes, rustic dishes are also included to attract tourists.
Mr Tran Ba ​​Thoai said that opening from the 2nd day of Tet, the tourist area welcomed about 65% of visitors compared to before. On average, there are 1,500 visitors per day, with the largest number being on February 4 (the 4th day of Tet), with about 2,100 visitors coming to visit, travel, and experience. This is a number that exceeds the unit's expectations in the first days of the new year; Thereby, it is also expected that the COVID-19 epidemic will be better controlled, the socio-economic recovery will be restored, in the tourism industry will flourish again.

Director of Ben Tre Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Nguyen Van Ban informed that from November 15, 2021, tourism in the Coconut Country has officially started. In particular, to serve tourists during the Lunar New Year, destinations, businesses, and tourism establishments in the province have taken steps to prepare, embellish, and upgrade their facilities; pay attention and focus on building new and attractive products and services that meet the needs of tourists in the new situation. The service quality of the management team and staff has been improved. In addition, the Department has established the Xu Dua Green Zone Tourism Steering Committee and issued a set of temporary criteria to assess the level of safety in COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control for tourism activities in Ben Tre province of travel agencies, destinations and accommodation units. Accordingly, the Executive Board went to each unit to verify and confirm to ensure safety for tourists according to the motto "Opening safely - Opening must be safe". To date, 37 tourism business units have been assessed and qualified to resume operations according to the temporary set of criteria to assess the level of safety in preventing and combating the COVID-19 epidemic for local tourism activities Ben Tre province desk.

According to statistics, in January 2022, total revenue from tourists in the month is estimated to reach 2.3 billion VND, down 97% over the same period; Total tourists from tourism service establishments are estimated at 2,904, down 96% over the same period, with no international visitors. The good news is that in just 9 days from January 29 to February 2, 2022 (December 27 to January 6), Ben Tre's total number of visitors is estimated to reach about 45,000 visitors, an increase of 150% over the same period, including 310 international guests. Total revenue from tourism activities is estimated at nearly 38 billion VND, up 280% over the same period. Room occupancy at tourist accommodation establishments in the province is estimated at 40 - 50%.

According to experts, although most tourists today organize their family trips or small groups, travel businesses also have difficulty organizing full tour programs packed, and going in groups. At the same time, the number of visitors and revenue decreased compared to previous times. However, the fact that tourists have returned to the Coconut Country at the beginning of the new year is also a sign of prosperity for the "smokeless industry" after a difficult time due to the impact of the prolonged epidemic.

Chuong Dai (TTXVN)

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