Vien Minh Pagoda
Vien Minh Pagoda
Vien Minh Pagoda
Vien Minh Pagoda
Vien Minh Pagoda


Price: Free

Phone: 02753822233

Time to visit a place: 120 phút

Open Time: 7:00 AM - Close Time: 6:00 PM


Address: Phường 2, Thành phố Bến Tre, Tỉnh Bến Tre

Built in 1874 with an area of ​​3,358 m², this place was originally a temple worshiping Quan Cong. Initally, the pagoda was only built rudimentarily and narrowly, inside worshiping Buddha and the statue of Quan Thanh De in accordance with the beliefs of the Chinese and Vietnamese people. From 1951 to 1959 the pagoda was rebuilt and the architecture remains intact to this day. In 2002, the pagoda was restored and made more spacious. In the front yard, there are two more statues of Avalokiteśvara standing on a 3-meter-high lotus with cranes on both sides and a 7-meter-high Shakyamuni Buddha statue. The main hall area is also solemnly decorated, especially with two bamboo statues of Buddha Amitabha and Sakyamuni




Built in 1874 with an area of ​​3,358 m², this place was originally a temple worshiping Quan Cong. Initally, the pagoda was only built rudimentarily and narrowly, inside worshiping Buddha and the statue of Quan Thanh De in accordance with the beliefs of the Chinese and Vietnamese people. From 1951 to 1959 the pagoda was rebuilt and the architecture remains intact to this day. In 2002, the pagoda was restored and made more spacious. In the front yard, there are two more statues of Avalokiteśvara standing on a 3-meter-high lotus with cranes on both sides and a 7-meter-high Shakyamuni Buddha statue. The main hall area is also solemnly decorated, especially with two bamboo statues of Buddha Amitabha and Sakyamuni

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