Tien Thuy Communal House
Tien Thuy Communal House
Tien Thuy Communal House
Tien Thuy Communal House


Price: Free

Phone: 02753822233

Time to visit a place: 30 phút

Open Time: 5:00 AM - Close Time: 6:00 PM

Email: banbientap.svhttdl@bentre.gov.vn

Address: ap Khanh Hoi Dong, xa Tien Thuy, Huyen Chau Thanh, Tinh Ben Tre Phường 4, Huyện Châu Thành, Tỉnh Bến Tre

Tien Thuy Communal House is a unique architectural work of folk wood carving art, located in Khanh Hoi Dong hamlet, Tien Thuy commune, Chau Thanh district. The communal house was recognized as a national architectural and artistic relic on August 20, 2013 according to Decision No 2836/QĐ-BVHT&TDL. The communal house is associated with many magical local legends. Around 1778, Nguyen Phuc Anh (also known as Nguyen Anh) fled the Tay Son army and stopped here. While here, he saw that this river had very clear water and was very sweet to drink, so he imagined it was fairy water and named it Tien Thuy river, the place he stopped was Tien Thuy village. During the reign of King Tu Duc (the fifth year of Tu Duc, 1852), the elders in the village presented a petition to King Tu Duc to bestow the title on Tien Thuy communal house and it was approved. Currently, the communal house still retains 4 conferments with 4 conferred deities including: Cao Cac Quang Do Ton Than, Thien Y A Na Dien Ngoc Phi, Bon Canh Thanh Hoang, Dai Can National Nam Hai and were enthroned on January 11. November 1852 (âl). In 1917, Mr. Ta Phuoc ... View more




Tien Thuy Communal House is a unique architectural work of folk wood carving art, located in Khanh Hoi Dong hamlet, Tien Thuy commune, Chau Thanh district. The communal house was recognized as a national architectural and artistic relic on August 20, 2013 according to Decision No 2836/QĐ-BVHT&TDL.
The communal house is associated with many magical local legends. Around 1778, Nguyen Phuc Anh (also known as Nguyen Anh) fled the Tay Son army and stopped here. While here, he saw that this river had very clear water and was very sweet to drink, so he imagined it was fairy water and named it Tien Thuy river, the place he stopped was Tien Thuy village. During the reign of King Tu Duc (the fifth year of Tu Duc, 1852), the elders in the village presented a petition to King Tu Duc to bestow the title on Tien Thuy communal house and it was approved. Currently, the communal house still retains 4 conferments with 4 conferred deities including: Cao Cac Quang Do Ton Than, Thien Y A Na Dien Ngoc Phi, Bon Canh Thanh Hoang, Dai Can National Nam Hai and were enthroned on January 11. November 1852 (âl). In 1917, Mr. Ta Phuoc Sanh (Ta Khac Wet) campaigned for Tien Thuy communal house to receive 100 taels of gold plus contributions from people around the area in terms of human and material resources to build a more spacious communal house.  Then he went to Dong Thap province to visit Ca Co communal house and took a model of this communal house to build for Tien Thuy communal house. Timber and workers from the Central region came by boat to carry out construction for the communal house. By 1928, the construction of the communal house was complete and had the appearance it has today.      
The communal house has a structure in the shape of the letter Son (山) with the houses: martial arts, martial arts, ritual and main hall built connected to each other; Behind is the dressing room, kitchen and banquet house. The communal house has brick exterior walls, wooden interior walls, a brick-lined floor, and a system of columns, rafters, beams, and rafters made of precious wood. The architectural spaces of the communal house are all built in the style of four pillars (except the Vo Quy space) - this is the traditional architecture of communal houses and pagodas in the South in general and Ben Tre in particular. The interior decoration makes the communal house even more magnificent and magnificent. The most unique and elaborate are the patterns in the boxes and drawers with a two-layer embossed style: the inner layer uses embossment like a mesh or honeycomb layer as a foundation for the outer layer of embossed patterns. In addition, the master craftsman's skills are also proven through the art of engraving conch on the only horizontal panel in the pavilion. This is a typical artistic architectural work of Ben Tre that is still intact to this day. After more than 150 years, through feudal periods and resistance wars against the French and the Americans, the communal house still stands firmly here, majestic and quiet.

Review and Evaluation

(From total review)

Sample Plan

